Prosze o sprawdzenie błedów-opowiadanie

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This tale is based on true story.
Jim was a quiet, shy man in his mid thirties.Though he was hansome and inteligent, he still lived with his mother in home town.One when he couldn't stand his mother's averprotectivness, he decided on the move.Three days later, Jim was on the way to Los Angeles, where he bouhgt small bedsitter in tower block. He found well paid job, which was his dream come true.
One beautiful day, when he was waiting for the lift, a pretty girl-Annie stand next to him and say ..Hello!".He falled in love at first sight, but he was too much shy to answer. For the next 2 months they passed each other in the stairs. In the end Jim daved and invited she out for dinner.He groomed himself carefully and he was very agifated.In the restaurant he ate with trembling hands.He wanted to come out well in her eyes. And they started to talk, tension was easing. He forgot about the shyness. Suddenly he remembered that he had forgotten take a wallet. He was paralysed by the dread, all the more so because the moment of pay the bill was approaching.Suddenly he remembered one scene from the fiilm and found the piece of the foil in his pocket. And when Annie was going to the toilet, he throws this to his soup and beckons to the waiter.Of course he hadn't to pay and he saved his dignity.
Cytat: coma1992
This tale is based on [przedimek] true story.
Jim was a quiet, shy man in his mid thirties.Though he was hansome and inteligent, he still lived with his mother in [brakuje slowa] home town.One [brakuje slowa] when he couldn't stand [to jest nie tak]his mother's averprotectivness, he decided on the move. [moze: to move out]Three days later, Jim was on the [his] way to Los Angeles, where he bouhgt [przedimek] small bedsitter in [przedimek] tower block. He found [przedimek] well[kreseczka]paid job, which was his dream come true. [nie wiem jak poprawic, ale jest nie tak]
One beautiful day, when he was waiting for the lift, a pretty girl-Annie stand [czas]next to him and say [czas]..Hello!".He falled [łoo, irregular vbs do powtorki] in love at first sight [raczej: it was love at first sight], but he was too much [wyciac] shy to answer. For the next 2 months they passed each other in [inna preposition] the stairs. In the end Jim daved [??]and invited she [nie ten przypadek] out for dinner.He groomed himself carefully and he was very agifated.In the restaurant he ate with trembling hands.He wanted to come out[?] well in her eyes. And they started to talk, tension was easing. He forgot about the [his?] shyness. Suddenly he remembered that he had forgotten [brakuje slowa] take a [lepiej his]wallet. He was paralysed by the dread [nie], all the more so because the moment of pay the bill was approaching.Suddenly he remembered one scene from the [inny article] fiilm and found the [wrong aritcle] piece of the foil in his pocket. And when Annie was going to the toilet, he throws [czas] this to his soup and beckons [czas]to the waiter.Of course he hadn't to [czas przeszly od have to tworzy sie inaczej] pay and he saved his dignity.

To tak po krotce. A ortograficznie to to jest horror.
edytowany przez thecheshirecat: 26 wrz 2010
mid wchodzi w sklad wyrazenia za pomoca dywiza mid-thirties
Cytat: thecheshirecat
He found [przedimek] well[kreseczka]paid job, which was his dream come true. [nie wiem jak poprawic, ale jest nie tak]

To jest raczej OK - zobacz sobie przyklady w google.
jest jak najbardziej okay, bo wyraznie dream come true funkcjonuje tutaj jako rzeczownik
which was his dream come true = which was a dream come true for him
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