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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
28th Sep 2010
Dear Sussan,
Hi! My name is Kamila and I'm 17 years old. I'm your exchange student. I live in Ełk, a town on the north of Poland. I live with my mum, my sisters and my dog. You don't afraid, because my dog doesn't bite and my sisters are very nic.

I'm enclosing a photo of me and my sisters. I stay on the left with black hair. Next to is my older sister, Basia. Ania is on the right with long, brown hair. She is 15 years old.

I'm in year 15 at LO. My profile is logistic. My highschool is great. The teachers is indulgent and my friends of school are fantastic. My favourite subject is PE. I don't like maths and physicist.

That's all for now. I'm looking forward to going to your country. Please write me about yur family, school and life in Great Britain. Do you wear uniform to school?


List nieoficjalny do koleżanki z wymiany.
28th Sep 2010
Dear Sussan,
Hi! My name is Kamila and I'm 17 years old. I'm your exchange student. I live in Ełk, a town on the north of Poland. I live with my mum, my sisters and my dog. You don't have to be afraid of it, because it doesn't bite and my sisters are very nice.

I'm enclosing a photo of me and my sisters. I'm on the left with black hair. Next to me, is my older sister, Basia. Ania is on the right with long, brown hair. She is 15 years old.

I'm in year 15 at High School. My profile is logistics. My highschool is great. The teachers is indulgent and my friends at school are fantastic. My favourite subject is PE. I don't like maths and physics.

That's all for now. I'm looking forward to visit your country. Please write me something about your family, school and life in Great Britain. Do you wear uniforms at school?

Sept, Susan, chyba ze ze jakis wyjatek.
I'm your exchange student.

jakby list byl skierowany do nauczyciela
edytowany przez fui_eu: 28 wrz 2010
...looking forward to visiting...
I live in Ełk, a town IN northERN of Poland. I live with my mum, my sisters and my dog. You don't have to be afraid of it (him/her), because it (he/she) doesn't bite and my sisters are very nice.

I'm in year 15 at High School (??? macie 15 klas?). My profile is logistics (nie rozumiem, co ma znaczyc "profile"?). My high school is great. The teachers is (l. mn) indulgent (wymysl lepsze slowo) and my friends at school are fantastic. My favourite subject is PE. I don't like maths and physics.

mowimy albo:
I live in Elk, a town in the north of Poland.
I live in Elk, a town in northern Poland.
Skad wiesz ze maths, przeciez gdzie jestes uzywasz math.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 29 wrz 2010
BrE wyrazenie. Co mam leb ciagle bic w mur?
Capitulation on my part. But thanks for asking
profil to cos w stylu 'major', tylko ze w liceum a nie na studiach.
And teachers can be lenient, perhaps even lax?
fui: proponuje przejscie na " per ty"...you can drop the "b"
pakk: poszlam dzisiaj do biblioteki i zamowilam sobie "Dzien swira" dzieki tobie. lol
profile: naturalnie, domyslilam sie, ale tak po angielsku nie mowimy
lenient/lax? wole "very understanding"
Cytat: siuniab
fui: proponuje przejscie na " per ty"...you can drop "b"...

I thought siuniab is "per ty" :), you can drop "eu" from my nick. Oh, you have already. Cool! :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.