Prośba o poprawienie zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam :)
Nie wiem gdzie w tych zdaniach sa popełnione błędy...

Mógłby mi je ktos sprawdzic ? :)
1. Had you a good flight?
2. Someone stole their hand luggage when they waited in the queue.
3. Where was going Ewan when his car broke down?
5. Daisy Had already left the aiport when she realized she had the rwong suitcase.
6. Our siutcases were already at baggage reclaim when we were getting there.
7. We said goodbye to our friends. Then we went through security and passport control into the departure lounge
8. He had been flying for twelve hours by the time he reached Australia.
I found last night a black suitcase on the elevator in our hostel, if it’s yours call me 555 666 777,
or found me at room 516.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia