6 krótkich przekształconych zdań do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1."She was driving so slowly she was passed by a bicycle"
- A BICYCLE...was faster than her slow drive.
"How did that pin get on my chair?"
- WHO...left that pin on my chair?
"I wish the weather weren't so hot."
- IF...only weather wasn't so hot.
"Let's not drink another cup of coffee"
- IT WOULD... nie wiem jak przekształcić to zdanie

2."If I were John, I wouldn't borrow money from them"
- PLACE - If I were at John's place, I wouldn't borrow money from them.
"Mr Lurie won't be able to keep his appointment"
- CANCEL - Mr Lurie must cancel his appointment".
Cytat: Rastafanka
1."She was driving so slowly she was passed by a bicycle"
- A BICYCLE...was faster than her slow drive. rower minal ja, bo wolno jechala
"How did that pin get on my chair?"
- WHO...left that pin on my chair? ok
"I wish the weather weren't so hot."
- IF...only weather wasn't so hot. niedokladnie przepisalas
"Let's not drink another cup of coffee"
- IT WOULD... nie wiem jak przekształcić to zdanie lepiej byloby, gdybysmy...

2."If I were John, I wouldn't borrow money from them"
- PLACE - If I were at John's place, I wouldn't borrow money from them. at his place = w jego mieszkaniu, inny przyimek
"Mr Lurie won't be able to keep his appointment"
- CANCEL - Mr Lurie must cancel his appointment".
ok, rownie dobrze 'odwolal' w present perfect
A bicycle passed her becouse she was driving slowly?
If only weather weren't so hot? - nie rozumiem dlaczego weren't, wydaje mi się, że weather jest podmiotem w liczbie pojedynczej.
It would be better if we don't drink another cup of coffee?
If I were in John's place...?
Cytat: Rastafanka
A bicycle passed her becouse PONIEWOŻ she was driving slowly?
If only weather weren't so hot? - nie rozumiem dlaczego weren't, wydaje mi się, że weather jest podmiotem w liczbie pojedynczej. WEREN'T TO INNA SPRAWA, TAKS IE MOWI W OFICJALNYM STYLU W TRYBIE WARUNKOWYM, ALE POMINELAS JEDNO SLOWKO.
It would be better if we don't drink another cup of coffee? MIESZASZ TRYBY WARUNKOWE
If I were in John's place...? TAK, A TU CIE 'WERE' NIE DZIWI? NA PATRZ :-)
kiedys walczylam z tym 'poniewoz' ;-)
becAuse, if only THE weather
It would be better if we didn't drink another cup of coffee?
No widzisz, że potrafisz :-)
Dzięki Tobie, dziękuję ;]
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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