Opis o sobie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie tego opisu i poprawienie ewentualnych błędów.

My name's Ania. I'm 16. I'm from Poland. I was born i Kraków and I have lived there all my life. I study in high school in Kraków. I learn a lot and I have classes after school. I don't have much time, but when I have the chance I'm enjoy play tennis and swimming.
I used to run, but now I don't have time enough. I'm learning English because I very like travelling and I think that English is need it. My speaking is Ok, but I sometimes make grammar mistakes. I want be better at writing, and I want learning faster words.
My name's Ania. I'm 16. I'm from Poland. I was born {in} Kraków and I have lived there all my life. I {go to} high school in Kraków. I learn a lot and I have classes after school. I don't have much time, but when I have the chance, {I} enjoy {playing} tennis and swimming.
I used to run, but now I don't have {enough} time [twoja wersja jest OK, ale lepiej zmien na podana przeze mnie]. I'm learning English because I like travelling {very much} and I think that English is {needed}. My speaking is {ok/OK}, but I sometimes make grammar mistakes. I want {to} be better at writing and I want {to learn} words {quicker}.
dziękuję bardzo za pomoc.


Pomoc językowa