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I think a very interesting building worth seeing is the Wawel Royal Castle.
This constructed the located in Poland Krakow. Wawel Castle, first founded in the eleventh century, but it was burned. many times rebuilt the castle. But the final was founded in the eighteenth century. there are many builders of this castle, Kazimierz the Great and Sigismund I.

Now the Wawel Royal Castle is a national museum. . It is very big and famous. There are seventy one exhibition halls.

There are many things worth seeing starting from a front elevation of Gothic palace with Kurza Stopka,, galleries, courtyard, finishing on the Renaissance rooms with all their exhibitions. The castle from outside and inside is beautiful and is liked by tourists who gladly visit it. There are many buildings and extensions. Rooms depict biblical and grotesque scenes. Some rooms have marble portals also they are beautiful big windows and decorative doors.

Interesting fact is that by the end of the 14th century Polish kings lived there.
Presenty, in underground vaults are buried body prevailing among others. Lech Kaczynski and Maria Kaczynski, who died in the Smolensk disaster.

The Royal Castle in Kraków is one of the most beautiful castles in Poland as well worldwide. It is very interesting and sensationally bulding. Contained are worth visit the castle.

jak mozescie prosze o popraiwnie bledow i i rozwiniecie tego akapitu co sie tam znajduje.

This 'constructed'( zla czesc mowy) 'the' (nie rozumiem tego) located in 'Poland Krakow' (to masz zle, przeciez mowimy in Krakow in Poland). Wawel Castle, WAS first founded in the 'eleventh' (napisz to XI) century, but it was burned DOWN 'many times rebuilt the castle' (nie, to jest zle, pomysl i napisz inaczej). But the final (ale CO?) was founded in the 'eighteenth' (XVIII) century. there are many builders of this castle, Kazimierz the Great and Sigismund I.

There are many things worth seeing starting from a front elevation of (przedimek) Gothic palace with 'Kurza Stopka' (ale napisz to po ang) , galleries, courtyard, finishing 'on' (to jest kalka z polskiego po anf WITH) the Renaissance rooms with all their exhibitions. The castle from (brak przedimka) outside and inside is beautiful and is liked by tourists who gladly visit it.
THE rooms depict biblical and grotesque scenes. Some rooms have marble portals also they are beautiful (tu brakuje slowa) big windows and decorative doors.

(brakuje przedimka) interesting fact is that by the end of the 14th century Polish kings lived there.
Presenty, in (przedimek) underground vaults are buried (przedimek) 'body' (tutaj l. mnoga, bo sama wiem ze jest wiecej jak jedno) prevailing among others(.) (nie rozumiem kropki tutaj) Lech Kaczynski and Maria Kaczynski, who died in the Smolensk disaster.

The Royal Castle in Kraków is one of the most beautiful castles in Poland as well (tu cos brakuje) worldwide.
....Contained are worth visit the castle. ...(tego zdania nie rozumiem)


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