
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Jest osoba która mogłaby sprawdzić list przedstawione poniżej?

Oto pierwszy list:
Dear I don’t know who,
Hi! I hope all of you are well. Guess what – I’m going to New York with Anne and Emma! We are going to have great fun!
We are staying at the Holiday Inn Hotel on Fifth Avenue. In near is many shop, so if we feel like shopping we can go.
On Saturday morning we are going to Broadway in Soho and visit Canal Jean Company. Maybe we going to find some bargains! In short, that will be cool!
In afternoon we will probably go to shopping at Bloomingdales in Manhattan. Clothes there are bit expensive, but I don't care. It will be nice to see latest fashion in designer clothes!
On Saturday night we going to Hard Rock Café. This is trendy place with delicious food and great music. It will be a chance to wear new clothes.
We are catching 8 am flight home next morning. Write soon.
Lots of love,

A tutaj drugi:
Zad. 21. Miałem napisać list na podstawie broszury z zad. 20 opierając się na "Writing Tip" oraz liście przedstawionym w zad. 19. który z kolei opierał się na innej ulotce.
Skan z podręcznika:[tel].jpg
Dear Sir/Madam.
I am planning to go on the ten-day tour of Peru advertised In your brochure. I hope you will able to answer a few questions for me.
Firstly, is flight form Heathrow to Lima direct? I ask because [ przesiadki samolotowe – nie wiem jak są po angielsku] are very inconvenient.
Secondly, I would like you tell me do you have share or single room. I am coming on the tour alone and I would not like to share a hotel room with other person.
What is more, we are sightseeing tours by bus or train? This is very important to me.
Finally, In Indian highland villages can I buy traditional clothes?
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully,

Dzięki za pomoc, kertiz.
'In near' (tego nie rozumiem) 'is' (ale to sie odnosi do 'shops' ktore., jak ja jeszcze pamietam sa w l. mnogiej - prosze dostosowac czasownik do l. mnogiej), many shop, so if we feel like shopping we can go.
On Saturday morning we are going to Broadway in Soho and visit (tu brakuje porzedimka) Canal Jean Company. Maybe we (tu brakuje slowa) going to find some bargains! !
In (a gdzie przedimek?) afternoon we will probably go 'to' (niepotr) shopping at Bloomingdales in Manhattan. Clothes there are (tu brakuje przedimka) bit expensive, but I don't care.
On Saturday night we (brakuje czasownika) going to (przedimek) Hard Rock Café. This is (przedimek) trendy place with delicious food and great music.

I am planning to go on the ten-day tour of Peru advertised 'In' (dlaczego duza litera?) your brochure.
Firstly, is (a gdzie przedimek?) flight form Heathrow to Lima direct? I ask because [ przesiadki samolotowe- mozna po prostu changing planes) 'are' (tutaj IS FOR ME very inconvenient.
Secondly, I would like you (tu brakuje slowa) tell me IF 'do' (niepotr) you have shareD or single room. I am coming on the tour alone and I would not like to share a hotel room with ANother person.
What is more, 'we are' (przeciez tak nie formulujemy jest zdanie twierdzace-napisz jak pytanie) sightseeing tours by bus or train?
Finally, 'In Indian highland villages can I buy traditional clothes?' (zla kol slow...can I buy....)

Dzięki za pomoc, kertiz.
Dziękuje za pomoc.


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