Letter of Application

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Byłbym wdzięczny za sprawdzenie. ;)

Jan Kowalski
St. Bartoszewska 46
Tel: 418 344 783

Dear Sir

From your company’s website I learned about your need for a project manager for the new game’s project.

As a person with strong expertise in coordination and good experience I am very interested in this position and generally in game industry.

I am very distinctive candidate among others. I started my career at age of 14 and was involved in several well-known projects, such as being an administrator in whitebrain.org website, where I refresh the whole system of coordination and made the forum to return to its fame. Since 2007 I am responsible of Big Green Squirrel’s marketing side, contacting with media and administer the promotional campaign. Four years ago I had also my own project with bunch of people to manage.

Beyond experience I gained knowledge of management and teamwork ability from other sources as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, communication courses and many psychological books. It gave me great organization skills and resistance to stress. That mixture of knowledge and work experience, in my opinion, makes me the best candidate for the position of project manager in Ubisoft Entertainment S.A.

I enclosed a copy of my CV and I would be glad to attend an interview in any time convenient to you.

Yours faithfully,
Jan Kowalski
edytowany przez Drivon: 10 lis 2010


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