Essay. ,,Adolescence is the unhappiest time in most people's lives''

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The most people thinking that adolescence is the unhappiest time in most people's lives.Is it that true?
There are several defect being youth .Firstly is a time when we arguing with our parents all time.For example we want go to the cinema this night , we are asking parents , they are disagree becouse we have to learn. We don't understand why and we are angry all day. Secondly, this time when we hate school becouse we have to lern a lot but we prefer going to a party.Finaly, at this time we hate all world and all us leads to crazy.
However, there are many arguments against. First of all, is a time our the first love, we are dream all time and we feel very happy .Next, when we're a teenager then we meet a many new people and spend with them a lot of time. Finally, we are not have to earning one's bread.
In conclusion,adolescence have a negative and good side but advantages outweighed my opinion . To sum up,I thinking that adolescence is the wonderful time in our lives.Other day we will be memories,how great we was young people.

Będę wdzięczna za sprawdzenie i udzielenie wskazówek, bądź zrobienia poprawek.Znając moje zdolności z języka angielskiego będzie ich wiele. Z góry dziękuję.
'The' (dlaczego uzylaj tutaj przedimka?) Most people 'thinking' (czas teraz) that adolescence is the unhappiest time in most people's lives. Is 'it' (po co to?) that true?
There are several 'defect' (ale jak uzywasz 'several' to daje mi znac oczekiwac l. mnoga, dlaczego uzywasz l. poj?) being 'youth' (zle slowo) .Firstly (tu brakuje slowa) is a time when we 'arguing' (czas teraz) with our parents all (brak przedimka) time. For example we want (brak slowa) go to the cinema 'this' THAT night , we are asking parents, they 'are' (po co to?) disagree 'becouse' (co to za slowo, bo to nie jest ang. slowo - sprawdz i popraw) we have to 'learn' (learn ale WHAT?). Secondly, (tu brakuje slowa) this time 'when' (niepotr) we hate school 'becouse' (znowu to - popraw) we have to 'lern' (ortog) a lot but we prefer going to a party. 'Finaly' (ortog), at this time we hate all (a gdzie przedimek?) world and 'all us leads to crazy' (tego nie rozumiem - popraw).
However, there are many arguments against ALE CZEGO?) . First of all, (tu brak slowa) is a time (tu brak slowa) our the first love, we 'are' (po co to 'are' tutaj?) dream all (brak przedimka) time and we feel very happy .Next, when we're a teenager 'then' (niepotr) we meet 'a' (dlaczego dalas tu 'a' jak masz people?) many new people and spend 'with them a lot of time' (zla kol slow...a lot of...). Finally, we 'are' (znowu to 'are' po co i dlaczego?) (tu brak slowa) not have to 'earning' (zly czas) one's bread.
In conclusion,adolescence have a 'negative and good' (nie, nie pisz tak, musi byc jakis balance, jak piszesz 'negative' to musi byc 'positive, albo 'good' i bad' nie mieszaj) side (przecinek przed but) but (a gdzie przedimek?) advantages 'outweighed' (zly czas) (ale co?) (brak slowa) my opinion . To sum up,I 'thinking' (zly czas, tutaj teraz) that adolescence is 'the' (zly przedimek) wonderful time in our lives. 'Other day' (nie, nie tak, tutaj SOMEDAY) we will 'be' (zle pojecie- pomysl jak to bedzie po polsku) memories, how great 'we was' (przepraszam bardzo, ale od kiedey 'we' co jest l. mnoga laczy sie z 'was' co jest l. poj?) young people.


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