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Jest to list formalny, zatem jeżeli użyłem jakieś zwrotu nie pasującego do tego typu formy, proszę o zwrócenie mi uwagi. ;)

Mr Colin Harper
38 Elm Lane
Minehead January 3rd 2011

Dear Mr Murray,
I am writing to you in connection with your advertisement for a room this summer. I am interested in the room, because I want to study in Minehead.
Firstly, I would be grateful if you could inform me how spacious is the room. I am a tall student, so I need a space for my body and of course books. Secondly, I would like to know if is it possible to have a small pet like rat or hamster in the room? I am devoted to animals. Finally I would be interested in knowing how people are neighbors? Are they nice or not? I am shy, so I would aprreciate it if you tell me that.
Thank you for your help. I look forward to heating from you.
Yours sincerely,
M**** Sz****

Z góry dziękuję. :)

no coz..mysle ze nie powinienes pisac tak bezposrednio ze 'looking forward to heaTing from you'' hehe:D poza tyym troche nie pasuje mi to zdanie z sasiadami...ja bym napisala cos w stylu ' I would be grateful if you told me something about neighbours as i am shy blablabl..':) bo poczatek zdania jest troche pokrecony;) poza tym jesli to nie jest zadanie domowe to nie przejmuj sie oficjalnymi zwrotami i poprawnoscia az tak bo angole maja to raczej gdzies;)
edytowany przez wixhura: 06 sty 2011
Dear Mr Murray,
I am writing to you regarding your (/the) advertisement of a room for rent this summer (which you have put up in ....). I am interested in that room because I plan to study in Minehead.
Firstly, I would be grateful if you could inform me how spacious the room is. I am a tall student so I need space for my body and of course for my books (zdanie bez sensu, to co to ma byc za pokoj, sufit 150cm?). Secondly, I would like to know if it is possible to keep a small pet like a rat or a hamster in the room. I am devoted to my animals (troche krotkie zdanie, np.: and it would be very difficult for my to stay away from them for a longer time.). Finally, I would be interested in knowing what the neighbours are like. Are they nice (to lepiej opuscic)? Since I am a shy person, I would appreciate it if you could answer my questions.
Thank you for your help in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
M**** Sz****
edytowany przez karo151: 06 sty 2011


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