Hometown - prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I live in Mokobody, which lies excatly in the middle of the way from Siedlce to Węgrów. It's rather a big village; there are about 1600 inhabitants.
Mokobody was (were?) founded by Aleksander Jagiellończyk more than 600 yrs ago as a city, but it (they?) have lost its (their?) sivic rights in 1867. There are many monuments in Mokobody; the most famous is a classicistic church from 18th century and a painting of [Matka Boska Budzieszyńska] which is held inside the church.
There are many shops (about 10), park with a fountain, a municipal office, 2 bars, primary school and a secondary school with a playground, where kids can play football, basketball or volleyball when they finish their classes.
Mokobody would be a good place to live if there were more things to do. But i think that the lack of activities is typical for every village: bigger or smaller. If someone wants to have some fun, he simply goes to the city, that's what they are for.

Z góry dziękuje za każdy wytknięty bład.
Cytat: ragbrok
I live in Mokobody, which lies EXACTLY HALF-WAY BETWEEN Siedlce AND Węgrów. It's rather a big village; there are about 1600 inhabitants.
Mokobody was TO JEST JEDNA MIEJSCOWOSC, TLYKO LICZBA POJEDYNCZA founded by Aleksander Jagiellończyk more than 600 yrs<-BEZ TAKICH SKROTOW ago as a city, but it (they?) have lost PODAJESZ ROK, A WIEC INNY CZAS its (their?) sivic<-ORTOGRAF? rights in 1867. There are many monuments in Mokobody; the most famous ONE is a Classicist church from PRZEDIMEK 18th century and a painting of [Matka Boska Budzieszyńska OUR LADY OF....] which is KEPT inside the church.
There are many shops (about 10), PRZEDIMEK park with a fountain, a municipal office, 2 bars, PRZEDIMEK primary school and a secondary school with a playground, where kids can play football, basketball or volleyball when they finish their classes.
Mokobody would be a good place to live if there were more things to do. But i<-WIELKA LITERA think that the lack of activities is typical for every village WHETHER BIG OR SMALL . If someone wants to have some fun, he TYLKO FACECI? simply goes to the city, that's what they are for.

Z góry dziękuje za każdy wytknięty bład.
Dzięki wielkie, nie spodziewałem sie aż tak szybkiego sprawdzenia.
civic rights kojarzy mi sie z prawami obywatelskimi. na prawa miejskie owiedzialbym municipal rights, ale nie znam sie na jezyku prawa


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