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Temat: What are the advantages and disadvantages of brand name products? Which do you prefer to buy and why?
Brand name products have some advantages and some disadvantages. It is important to take both into account before you will decide to buy some kind of these products.
One major advantage is that the brand name products are made of better materials. If you buy this products you believe that the quality is good and it is reliable. If you buy something of well-known brand, you know what you can expect about it.
Secondly,the brand name products can make you pleased and get into a better mood. You can feel that things you possess are fashionable and stylish. By these products you can attract attention and hear some compliments.
This kind of products also can approach you to your idol or some famous people who very often wear brand clothes or have brand products.
On the other hand, brand name products have also some disadvantages. The main downside can be that brand name products usually have higher prices than generics alternative. This situation can cause some troubles with connetion to other people. Sometimes people who have not brand name products are not acceptable in society.
Another drawback can be repeatability of these products. A lot of people, especially in city, can have the same gadgets or clothes because shops which have these products in the stores are very common. But if you buy generics you can be sure that you have original style.
I prefer buying generics because these products have lower prices and often the same quality of material like brand name products.
It is important to take both into account before you 'will' (niepotr) decide to buy some kind of these products.
One major advantage is that the brand name products are made 'of'FROM better materials. If you buy 'this products' (this-odnosi sie do l. poj, a products-to l. mn, albo jedno albo drugie, tutaj odnosisz sie do l. poj to popraw) you believe that the quality is good and it is reliable. If you buy something of well-known brand, you know what you can expect 'about' FROM it.
You can feel that THE things you possess are fashionable and stylish. 'By' (moze lepiej 'with) these products you can attract attention and hear some compliments.
This kind of products 'also can' (zla kol slow) 'approach' (zle slowo, napisz 'bring you closer') 'you' (niepotr) to your idol or TO some famous people who very often wear brand clothes or have brand products.
On the other hand, brand name products 'have also' (zla kol slow) some disadvantages. The main downside can be that brand name products usually have higher prices than THE 'generics' GENERIC alternative. This situation can cause some 'troubles' (lepiej TROUBLE) 'with' IN 'connetion' (ortog) to other people. Sometimes people who have not GOT brand name products are not acceptable in society.
A lot of people, especially in (brak przedimka) city, can have the same gadgets or clothes because shops which have these products 'in the stores' (niepotr,'shop' a 'store' to jest to samo-jedno w BrE, drugie w AmE) are very common. But if you buy generics you can be sure that you have (brak przedimka) original style.
I prefer buying 'generics' (lepiej generic products) because these products have lower prices and often the same quality of material like brand name products.
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