You: (uczen)During the trip on performance CO ZNACZY 'ON PERFORMANCE', TRIP ZAWSZE JEST 'TO A PLACE' our bus broke down. We must went=MUSIMY POSZLISMY'. UZYJ CZASU PRZESZLEGO OD MUST, A POTEM BEZOKOLICZNIKA) on foot to town. We had lost UZYJ SIMPLE PAST the way but some human NAPISZ 'KTOS', BO PISZESZ, JAKBYS BYLA KOSMITA showed us THE way.
Examiner/friend: How about your friend's JEDNEGO CZY KILKU? behaviour?
You: They are TERAZ? very noisy. They shouted and disturbed.<-CO TO ZNACZY?
Examiner/friend: What was the other people's reaction?
you: Several people asked ICH, ZEBY SIE USPOKOLILI (TO CALM DOWN) but THE friends didn't respond. When THE actors saw this situation KTO? reprimanded my friends.