Proszę o sprawdzenie- notatka

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Working during studying is now very popular. But this is a feat for those who like to challenge. Hard is working. This is connected with many sacrifices min. lack of time to rest, constantly striving, life stress, study and writing essays at the last minute. Most people in this case, he learns the night, which reflects adversely on later health and depressive mood. Constant turmoil connected with work, exams in college, introduces chaos in our thinking that at some point we do not know what we want, There is indecision, lack of interest and energy for life.
Despite, I think it is worth working at the time of study. This gives us a new experience and challenge. We have our own money and feel more empowered. We meet new people, learn to cooperate with other employees, and self-confidence.
Reconciliation between study and work depends on us and it's not really a problem, good organization and planning of activities during the day can help us.

I think the best job is a waiter, because this job is attractive in many respects. First, employers offer flexible working hours, so you can work in addition to paid employment, or in the case of students throughout the day during the holidays. Secondly, the work is not the heaviest. Its biggest drawback is being on my feet all the time, and that must be accustomed to wearing trays or dishes. In addition, does not require too much effort. In this respect, is certainly attractive. Earnings are also attractive. In addition to the basic salary of waiters get tips, which may exceed even the amount of remuneration.

But this is a feat for those who like to challenge (ale 'to challenge WHAT?) . 'Hard is working' (to masz prosto z polskiego ale to nie jest po ang). This is connected with many sacrifices 'min.' (nie rozumiem co to jest) lack of time to rest, constantly striving (ale for WHAT?), life stress, study and writing essays at the last minute. Most people in this case, 'he learns the night' (nie rozumiem tego), which reflects adversely on later health and depressive mood. Constant turmoil connected with work, exams in college, introduces chaos in our thinking that at some point we do not know what we want, There is indecision, lack of interest and energy for life. (ostatnie 2 zdania byly pisane przez kogos innego - nie rob tego - to od razu widac)
Despite,(czego?) I think (brak slowa) it is worth working 'at the time of' DURING study.
We meet new people, learn to cooperate with other employees, and 'self-confidence' (w zlym miejscu w zdaniu).

I think (brak slowa) the best job is BEING a waiter, because this job is attractive in many respects. Secondly, the work is not the 'heaviest' (zle slowo, tutaj masz polski odpowiednik, ale zle). Its biggest drawback is being on my feet all the time, and that (ale KTO?) must be accustomed to wearing trays or dishes. In addition, (ale KTO? CO?) does not require too much effort. In this respect, (brak slowa) is certainly attractive.
In addition to the basic salary 'of' (nie rozumiem po co to slowo tutaj jest?) waiters get tips, which may exceed even the amount of remuneration.



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