Pierwsza wizyta u dentysty - prosze o sprawdzenie

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Do you have kids and don't know when to go to the dentist for the first time? Or wondering if you should treat milk tooth even if they will just fall off? Worried if the visit will be painful for children? Regular praxis will reduce the risk of cavities. And even if they have already appeared, you can discuss using the painless methods with the dentist. It is important for first visit to happen in calm and nice atmosphere. So called first visit don't need to be connected with treatment.

Let them know each other
Young patient should sit on the chair, get to know with instruments and equipment which will be used in his mouth (for example - the mirror). You, as a parents, will know the status of the teeth and if any of them need treatment. Moreover, the dentist will give some tips how to brush teeth and what toothpaste use. Children always take sticker with "brave patient" and satisfied go home. Even if there were nothing bad found, ask for next visit in three months. You won't worry for your child's teeth and it will be next occasion for them to get used to the dentist.

Children stomatology treat milk teeth and those not fully grown. Don't listen for those who say to don't treat milk teeth, because "they will fall off". It is very important. You should care for them, to fall off in right moment and not be removed because of decay or other disease. This will exclude any further orthodontic complication.

Cauterization, filling, sealing..
First surgery for a children with diagnosed decay is cauterization. It is completely painless procedure, but we must remember, that it won't eliminate bacteria from cavity. It's used for children which are afraid of drill. If you have objection for drill, you can ask for air abrasion system with sand abrasion. It's painless and eliminate characteristic sound of a drill. Also it is possible to use color filling, which can encourage children to next visits.

Permanent teeth at supervision
At the age of six, first permanent teeth are appearing. They are growing at first from behind milk teeth. They have many grooves which are starting point for decay. Don't wait! Ask the dentist for fissure sealant. It is painless and don't include any drilling. Those type of praxis are standard today.
Or wondering if you should treat milk 'tooth' (tutaj piszesz o jednym- a pozniej 'they' - popraw) even if they will just fall off? Worried if the visit will be painful for (tutaj cos brakuje) 'children' (dlaczego raz 'kids' a raz 'children'? te slowa maja calkowicie inne konotacje, najlepiej zawsze 'children')?
'And' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'and' to tak jak po Polsku byloby 'I' - czy znasz takie zdania? Daj przyklad) even if they have already appeared, you can discuss (ale co? swiat mody?) using the painless methods with the dentist. It is important for (brak przedimka) first visit to 'happen' BE in (brak przedimka) calm and nice atmosphere. THE so-called first visit 'don't' (napisz to w CALOSCI) need to be connected with (tutaj brakuje cos) treatment.

Let them know each other
(brak przedimka) young patient should sit on the chair, get to know 'with' (zle slowo) instruments and equipment which will be used in his mouth (for example - the mirror). You, as 'a' (po co to 'a' tutaj? wytlumacz) parents, will know the status of the teeth and if any of them need treatment. Moreover, the dentist will give (ale komu?) some tips ON how to brush (brak przedimka) teeth and what toothpaste TO use. Children always take (brak przedimka) sticker with "brave patient" and satisfied go home. Even if there 'were' WAS nothing 'bad' (co to znaczy?) found, ask for next visit in three months. You won't worry 'for' ABOUT your child's teeth and it will be next occasion for them to get used to the dentist.

Children stomatology 'treat' (pomysl jaka koncowkja tutaj ma byc) milk teeth and those not fully grown. Don't listen for those who say 'to don't' (to masz zle, ma byc NOT TO) treat milk teeth, because "they will fall off".
You should care for them, to fall off 'in' AT (brak przedimka) right moment and not be removed because of decay or other disease.

Cauterization, filling, sealing..
First surgery for 'a' (co to z tym 'a' masz? dlaczego jego tutaj uzylas?) children with diagnosed decay is cauterization. It is (brak przedimka) completely painless procedure, but we must remember, that it won't eliminate bacteria from (brak przedimka) cavity. It's used for children 'which' (kiedy mowimy o ludziach, dzieciach to uzywamy WHO) are afraid of (brak przedimka) drill. If you have (brak przedimka) objection 'for' TO (Brak przedimka) drill, you can ask for air abrasion system with sand abrasion. It's painless and 'eliminate' (to ma sie laczyc z 'it' a przeciez to jest 3os.l.poj) characteristic sound of a drill.

Permanent teeth at supervision
At the age of six, first permanent teeth 'are appearing' APPEAR. They are growing at first from behind (brak przedimka) milk teeth. They have many grooves which are (brak przedimka) starting point for decay.
It is painless and 'don't' (zaczne byc niegrzeczna, prosze pisac to w calosci i nie uzywac jakis kolokw. ktore sa uzywane przez pseudo-Amerikanskich spiewakow) include any drilling. Those type of praxis are (brak przedimka) standard today.
Poprawiłem, mam nadzieje, że nic nie umknęło, dziękuje :)

Do you have children and do not know when to go to the dentist for the first time? Or wondering if you should treat milk teeth even if they will just fall off? Worried if the visit will be painful for your children? Regular praxis will reduce the risk of cavities. Even if they have already appeared, you can ask the dentist for using the painless methods. It is important for the first visit to be in a calm and nice atmosphere. The so called first visit do not need to be connected with teeth treatment.

Let them know each other
The young patient should sit on the chair, get to know dental instruments and equipment which will be used in his mouth (for example - the mirror). You, as parents, will know the status of the teeth and if any of them need treatment. Moreover, the dentist will give both of you some tips on how to brush teeth and what toothpaste to use. Children always take a sticker with "brave patient" and satisfied go home. Even if there was no decay found, ask for next visit in three months. You won't worry about your child's teeth and it will be next occasion for them to get used to the dentist.

Children stomatology treat's milk teeth and those not fully grown. Don't listen for those who say not to treat milk teeth, because "they will fall off". It is very important. You should care for them, to fall off at the right moment and not be removed because of decay or other disease. This will exclude any further orthodontic complication.

Cauterization, filling, sealing..
First surgery for children with diagnosed decay is cauterization. It is a completely painless procedure, but we must remember, that it won't eliminate bacteria from the cavity. It's used for children who are afraid of the drill. If you have an objection to the drill, you can ask for air abrasion system with sand abrasion. It's painless and eliminates characteristic sound of a drill. Also it is possible to use color filling, which can encourage children to next visits.

Permanent teeth at supervision
At the age of six, first permanent teeth appear. They are growing at first from behind the milk teeth. They have many grooves which are a starting point for decay. Don't wait! Ask the dentist for fissure sealant. It is painless and do not include any drilling. Those type of praxis are a standard today.


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