list - zaproszenie do odwiedzin

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hejka, jak wszyscy wiedzą matury się zbliżają dlatego mam prośbę o sprawdzenie tekstu i ewentualne poprawki :) znajomy z usa zaprosił cię do siebie na wakacje. Napisz list, w którym:
-dziękujesz za zaproszenie i wyrażasz żal, że nie możesz z niego skorzystać.
- wyjaśniasz dlaczego nie możesz przyjechać i proponujesz inny termin,
- pytasz co u niego/niej słychać
- przesyłasz pozdrowienia i pytasz czy akceptuje nowy termin.

Dear Magda,
thanks for your letter. How are you? I hope you're well. I'm so busy now, because i've got a final exams so i musy study a lots. i wish the school year was over!
I'm writing to thank you for your invitation to LA, but i cant go there. As i said, i'll have a very important exams at my school so i havent miss them. But i have an idea! what do you think about new time? for example on july? i'll finish my school and i'll be able to vist you.
Okey, its all for now. Please give my regard to your parents and sister. i hope the new time is good for you, and we'll see on july. i cant wait. looking forward to your letter.
Best wishes,

za literówki przepraszam z góry :)
czy ktoś może to sprawdzić, proszę.
Dear Magda,
thanks for your letter. How are you? I hope you're well. I'm so busy now, because I've got (bez "a") final exams so i must study a lot. i wish the school year was over!
I'm writing to thank you for your invitation to LA, but i can't go there. As i said, i'll have (bez "a") very important exams at my school so i can't miss them. But i have an idea! what do you think about another date? for example in July? i'll finish my school and i'll be able to visit you.
Okey, it's all for now. Please give my regards to your parents and sister. i hope the new date is good for you, and we'll meet in July. i can't wait. I'm looking forward to your letter.
Best wishes,

I oczywiście wszystkie "I" dużą literą, już mi się nie chciało ich poprawiać :)
dziękuję :)