rozprawka 1

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Rozprawka matura 2007

Coraz więcej młodych Polaków decyduje się wyjechać na Wyspy Brytyjskie w celu podjęcia studiów. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony tego zjawiska.

Studying abroad is a secret dream for young teenager, who wants to broadens the mind. More and more people decide to take up studies on The United Kingdom. They have lots of fantastic idea about studying abroad and their next future. It may be a choice to pratise your English. However, in reality this ascpect may be annoying, because there are also disadventages. For example, you should be responsible.
Probably, the greatest advantage studing abroad is that we become to closer to world. We know other culture, history, economy and administration in a diffrent country. There is no denying, that we will improve our English. It is amazing language, but in Polish school is underestimated. Another important thing is we learn, how to be responisible for oneself. We follow lots of things such as cleaning, washing etc. Polish people in the UK have a better choice in the future. At universities in other country is an professional equipment and a weatlh of ideas which benefit the Polish market.
On the other hand, dealing with students with other country may be impossible, because we do not speak English fluently. It may be inconvenient live and study in other country far than family and friends. What' s more studying abroad makes you withdrawn, lonely and bored, which may decrease the effects of your work. You may have a problem with accomodation and food, when you are not independent.
All things considered, it can seem that it is not to easy to find a perfect solution concerning this issue. Studying abroad may be a chance for better live, but I depend on our character. This also mean alienation and economic problem in live. Place, when we want to live depends on our point of view.

Chyba nie pojęłam tematu... bo się rozpisuje bardziej o osobistych wartościach a nie krajach... a w modelu jest raczej Polska/ Wielka Brytania... słów 292...
edytowany przez discordia: 26 kwi 2011
Studying abroad is a secret dream for (brak przedimka) young teenager, who wants to 'broadens' BROADEN the mind. More and more people decide to take up studies 'on' IN the United Kingdom. They have lots of fantastic 'idea' (ale 'lots of' daje znac ze bedzie l. mn) about studying abroad and their 'next' (niepotr) future. It may be a choice to 'pratise' (ortog) your English. However, in reality this 'ascpect' (ortog) may be 'annoying' (nie za trafne slowo), because there are also 'disadventages' (ortog). For example, you should be responsible.
Probably, the greatest advantage OF studing abroad is that we become 'to' (niepotr) closer to (brak przedimka) world. We GET TO know ANother culture, history, economy and administration in a diffrent country.
It is (przedime) amazing language, but in (przedimek) Polish school IT is underestimated. Another important thing is THAT we learn, how to be 'responisible' (ortog) for oneself. We 'follow' (zle slowo) lots of things such as cleaning, washing 'etc' (nie pisz etc - bo ktos moze sie zapytac ...jak to robic etc?) .
At universities in ANother country THERE is 'an' (niepotr) professional equipment and a weatlh of ideas which benefit the Polish market.
On the other hand, dealing with students with ANother (zobacz roznice pomiedzy 'other' i 'another')country may be impossible, because we do not speak English fluently. It may be inconvenient TO live and study in ANother country far 'than' FROM family and friends. What' s more, (przecinek) studying abroad makes you withdrawn, lonely and bored, which may decrease the effects of your work.
Studying abroad may be a chance for better 'live' (tutaj ma byc rzeczownik LIFE, a jest czasownik LIVE), but 'I' IT dependS on our character. This also mean alienation and economic problem in 'live' (popraw). (przedimek) place, when we want to live depends on our point of view.

Mysle, ze jest ok. Tutaj chodzilo o dobre i zle strony wyjezdzania na studia....Troszeczke musisz sie skupic na 'slownictwie', bo potrzebujemy je troche na wyzszym szczeblu...
okey. mam coś o plusach i minusach kurortów. jak wrócę to się wezmę za słownictwo.


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