list :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi Matt!
I'm sorry I haven't written for so long but I'm busy. It was nice to get your letter. I'm writing to tell you my news.
As you know I'm going to New York soon. I can't wait! I saved money so I think I'll buy a lot of clothes there. I want to meet people from NY ane be in touch with them later. I'll buy a souvenir to you. What would you like? I have to tell you something. My friend Sasha, who you know, is pregnant. She is very upset. Her boyfriend broke up with her. I have to help her. She doesn't want to have a baby and she is sad because of that break with Chris. Poor Sasha. I don't know what should I do.
How are you? I hope you're OK. Write me something new about your friends.
Say hello to your parents!

byłabym wdzięczna za sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów :)
bardzo proszę :)
może jednak ktoś sprawdzi? ;)

tam mi się wkradł błąd: ane = and ;)
Cytat: dominikahh
Hi Matt!
I'm sorry I haven't written for so long but I'm PRESENT PERFECT busy. It was nice to get your letter. I'm writing to tell you my news.
As you know I'm going to New York soon. I can't wait! I PRESENT PERFECT saved THE/SOME money so I think I'll buy a lot of clothes there. I want to meet people from NY ane be in touch with them later. I'M GOING TO buy a souvenir FOR you. What would you like? NAGLA ZMIANA TEMATU. MOZE NOWY AKAPIT I have to tell you something. My friend Sasha, who you know, is pregnant. She is very upset. Her boyfriend PRESENT PERFECT - WYRAZNY SKUTEK W TERAZNIEJSZOSCI broke up with her. I have to help her. She doesn't want to have a baby and she is sad because of BREAKING UP with Chris. Poor Sasha. I don't know what should I do.<PYTANIE ZALEZNE, MA BYC BEZ INWERSJI
How are you? I hope you're OK. Write me<BEZ TEGO SLOWA something new about your friends.
Say hello to your parents!

no przecież niechcący :D

I have been busy
I have saved
her boyfriend has broke up

a to pytanie ma być tak ?- I don't know what I should do.

dzięki za sprawdzenie ;)
broke to niewlasciwa forma czasownika

reszta poprawek ok

w zdaniu o dziecku napisalbym jednak 'keep the baby'

ok, keep. ;)

dzięki. ;)
keep in touch /stay in touch/, be in touch to cos innego
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