tłumaczenie przez telefon

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chciałem prosić o pomoc w sprawdzeniu błędów. Chodzi tłumaczenie komuś przez telefon instruckji uruchomienia urządzenia.

I am not sure if I can explain it via phone. It is hard to say it without seeing it. I am used to seeing what I do. I am also used to working with windows vista system and particularly with vista mobile. I have some experience in working with other systems but I don't usually work with them.
However I think that I can help you with installing the device by phone.
First of all the two screws on the casing you have must be loosen and then hang it up so that you will see the circuit board. You should see two wires, which lead to the small screen. I do not know that type it is but I presume that is is Elza2000. Short those two wires by unlocking the wedge. It can be moved to the right or the left to get opened. And in this way you can activate the device without pushing the start button.

A tak przy okazji, jeśli mogę, to czy chcąc powiedzieć nasza firma zajmuje się dystrybujcą ..., to będzie "deal with"? Np.: our company deals with distribution ....
edytowany przez calf: 17 maj 2011
czemu nikt mi nie chce pomóż? :(


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