second conditional

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
proszę o spr. i poprawe
cześci do przecinka to zdania z książki, które musiałam uzupełnić

1. if you found 500zł in the street, I would buy new shoes.
2. if you could live anywhere in the world, I would live in Spain
3. if you saw someone attacking an old man in the street,I would help this old man.
4. if you didnt have to go to school, I would sleep long.
5. if you could choose any job you wanted, I would be a singer.
6. if you borrowed a friend is mp3 palyer and accidentally broke it, I would buy a new one.
7. if you saw someone in your class cheating in an exam, I wouldn't tell teacher about it
prosze o pomoc


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie