Opis miasta- porównanie do innego miasta, proszę o szybkie sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi Ania,

How are you? I hope everything is OK. How are boys? I really miss them.

I am writing to you to tell you about my new city. We bought a house in Livingston. Livingston is bigger than Bathgate. The city's architecture is more rich and interesting than in Bathgate. The city is very beautiful and peaceful. In the city we have good schools and a large library. In Livingston we have a theatre, cinema and museum which I missed in Bathgate. We have the largest shopping centre in Scotland.
I still continue my learning but I had to change collage. New collage is larger and more modern than that to which I attended in Bathgate. People here are very friendly and I hope to find friends here.
In next weekend in our city is the Galaday , can you visited us with your family?
See you soon
Your friend Agnieszka
Proszę o sprawdzenie i dokonanie poprawek od razu. Jest to dla mnie bardzo ważne. Jeśli ktoś miałby jakieś wskazówki do zmian lub dodania czegoś bardzo proszę pisać. Tekst ma mieć 150 słów dlatego nie jest długi.
Nie za bardzo wiem o co chodzi z ostatnim zdaniem: "In next.."
Może chodziło Ci o: " Next week will move to Galaday, would you mind to visit us with your family then? "
Nie jestem pewna, dlatego skonsultuj się z kimś jeszcze.
Gala Day a nie Galaday, jest corocznym festiwalem w Livingstone.
Dziękuję bardzo za sprawdzenie, czy oprócz tego jednego zdanie nie znaleźliście żadnych błędów?
How are THE boys?
We HAVE bought a house in Livingston.... The city's architecture is more richER and MORE interesting than in Bathgate....In Livingston we have a theatre, A cinema and A museum which I missed in Bathgate.
I still continue my learning but I had to change collage. THE New collage is larger and more modern than that to which I attended in Bathgate. People here are very friendly and I hope to find MAKE friends here.
In next weekend in our city is the Galaday , can you visited us with your family?
Sug: We have a Gala Day in Livingsone at the next weekend, could your family and you come for a visit?
edytowany przez fui_eu: 14 cze 2011
The city's architecture ...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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