Proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu tekstu

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Teleport RPG Game

What is Teleport? At a glance:

- it's a free multiplayer RPG-strategy browser game based on Google Maps (actually Google Street View) with a huge interactivity between players,

- the rules are very simple: every day you get energy points, it depends on you, how you will spend them. You can build a teleport from one point to another (from one geographic place to other), you can harden or hide your teleport from your opponents, you can destroy somone else's linkage, and at last you can camouflage yourself or strenghten your shield,

- energy points are the game currency: players are able to share EP or exchange it for other goods or information,

- you get one EP per day, but you can collect many more: energy spawn in random places. These sources may range from tiny with couple of EPs to huge energy repository, which can feed an army for months. Coordinates of such places are the innermost secrets of player's clans.

- to succeed you will join sooner or later to existing clan or will create your own. In group you have more powers (more stable teleports on greater distances, more battle force, more versatility). The clans can be joined to alliances, and that brings possibilities of strategy and politics,

- the goal of the game is up to you. If you want to control all the sources of the world, you can try achieve this. If your clan's objective is to rule London for example, organize army and start dominate your neighborhood. If your dream is to travel around the globe with teleports, go do it.

Some concept graphics

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Newly created teleport. Icons below represent (from left): amount of enery (EPs), strenght of shield, amount of camouflage units, amount of camouflage detectors, create teleport, hide teleport, harden linkage, destroy teleport.

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You can hide every teleport. Each EP spend for this purpose shrinks the teleport, so if you allocate enough energy nobody will be able to spot it.

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A map with your known teleports. Thicker lines represent more stable linkages. Black - public teleports, blue - teleports controlled by friendly alliance, red - teleports controlled by hostile alliance.

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This map shows availability of Google Street View. Additionally google cars are still gathering photos from many countries all over the world.

Game examples

Although the rules are simple, they can generate multitude of different situations. Below are three examples of the gameplay.

Example 1:

You are hiding three days on suburbs of Paris, trying to cross the enemy line. The task is not easy, unfriendly soldiers are everywhere, and they do everything to stop you. Your clan is under siege, and decided to take the last chance. They equiped you with as many camouflage units as they had and send you with suicide mission. You have to drag teleport linkage behind enemy positions, thus enabling your companions escaping the trap. You must be very careful, every encounter with hostiles can result in broken linkage, and your brothers will be doomed.

Example 2:

You are alone. You don't want to share your power with anyone. Discovered sources give you enough strenght to oppose the armies. And each amount of sheer energy meke you more greedy. Secret teleports established between sources enable you to quickly harvest the energy. But you always need more. Energy accumulated in your body interferes with nearby big sources. More EPs you have, more sources you can "feel". But aware other gatherers, such a clash may cause fatal consequence.

Example 3:

St. Peter's Square, Vatican. Your just received an important message. The recipient is far away, but it's nothing to you. Two cross streets from square is hidden teleport, which leads to the major node near Geneva. There are secure public teleports you often use. Only five jumps between you and San Francisco through shortcut on Alaska. Some time passess before you find next teleport in desolate street. The instructions given by the customer appears to be not clear. Very little teleport is located on the bottle near garbage container. Another two similarly embroiled jumps and you stand in the middle of the desert. Exchange point. You are a spy. A double, triple agent. You buy, steal, sell, trade information of all kind. Locations of sources, teleports, troop movements, plans of commanders - everything is for sale. You know passages that nobody else know. In a split second you can transport yourself to another country or continent. You can gain and deliver any information. If the price is high enough of course.

What is the money for?

I don't have a time to develop this game. If you fund the project I will quit my day job (not related to game industry at all) and spend all my time to finish it.