moje wakacje

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I think that my holidays were fantastic. I spent all two months meeting my friends, going to the beach and visiting new places. But we should start from the beginning. So, at the beginning of July I was sailing on the Jeziorak with my friends. We were sailing for three days. Sometimes I was a bit scared, because when the wind was strong we had big leans, but then I became accustomed. We had a campfire every night. We were singing. We had a lot of fun. However, my trip to Kolobrzeg was the best. I went to the camp for two weeks. I met a lot of very nice people. Every day we went to the beach. We were swimming and sunbathing. Sometimes we were playing volleyball, but I don't like it. One of our favorite activities was playing cards. My new friends showed me a new card game, but I can' t tell you the name of this game, because it is offensive. We were in Hamburg in Heidepark. This is a large amusement park. Threre was great. I would like to go there again. We were in Berlin in Tropical Islands. We spent all day swimming. We could bask in thirty degrees Celsius. I like it ! We had a lot of trips, for example to Międzyzdroje. We were on the pier. We saw the avenue of stars. Everytime we had a lot of fun! I wish that I couldn't stay there longer. I dreamed about such holidays.
I think it should be - "I think that my holiday was fantastic "- it is only one holiday in English :-)
ja bym jeszcze dorzucil "We could bask in thirty degrees Celcius. I LIKED THAT! "
I wazniejsza rzecz : I wish i COULD stay there longer albo its a pity that i couldnt stay there longer :)pozdrawiam:)
edytowany przez Davido9020: 07 wrz 2011