
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Rozprawka na temat: Should animals be kept in zoos? Proszę o sprawdzenie. Z góry dziękuję.

Keeping animals in zoos has been a controversial subject since the zoos were created. I think that there are both pros and cons.
One point of view is that endangered species are protected and won’t extinct. Many animals can be safe only thanks to zoos around the world for instance: Siberian Tiger or Island fox. Moreover, there is also another advantage of keeping animals in zoos, that is a possibility to see wild animals live by normal people.
However, there are also many disadvantages, such as bad conditions and a lack of space in cages where animals are kept. Furthermore, zoo staff gives animals food and drink every day at the same time. They do not have to hunt or fight to eat something and that leads to the fact that animals are lazy and not self-reliant. If they would be released for sure they would die.
To sum up, there is similar amount of advantages and disadvantages. I think that zoos should not be closed, but zoo managers should ensure bigger cages and better conditions.
Keeping animals in zoos has been a controversial subject since the zoos were created. I think that there are both pros and cons (ale do czego? musisz napisac) .
One point of view is that endangered species are protected and 'won’t extinct' (cos tu nie tak) . Many animals (daj tutaj ...for instance...) can be safe only thanks to zoos around the world for instance: Siberian Tiger or Island fox. Moreover, there is also another advantage of keeping animals in zoos, that is a possibility (daj tutaj ...for people) to see (tu brak slowa) wild animals live by normal people.
They do not have to hunt or fight to eat something and' that leads to the fact' (cos tu nie tak) that animals are lazy and not self-reliant. If they 'would' (tutaj WERE TO) be released 'for sure' (nie lubie za bardzo tych amerykanisms) they would die.
To sum up, there is (brak cos) similar amount of advantages and disadvantages. I think that zoos should not be closed, but zoo managers should ensure bigger cages and better conditions (dla kogo?)


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