terri HELP ME !!! PLEASE!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę już o sprawdzenie tych kilku zdań :) Obiecuje, ze to juz ostatnie :)

You are working (have worked) in our company for a long time, in addition you are very responsible and honest employee so I might consider raising your salary.

I can offer (I could propose you) you 10% increase but only if you complete a Spanish course, organize the Annual General Meeting and also if you go for 3 months on delegations to Germany.

I am ready to accept a 10% increase and can guarantee you free place on a company parking, however I don’ t agree, you come to work half an hour later than the others employee.

In that case in the next month your salary will be higher, but I am waiting for the projects by the end of the month


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