Prośba o szybkie sprawdzenie kilku zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam prosze o jak najszybsze sprawdzenie poniższych zdań:) z góry dziękuje!
1.I think the average live expectancy in my country is 65 years. I would like to live until 100 years and I would like stay eternally young.
2. Yes I know some animals which are in danger of dying of. There are elephants, tigers and panda bears. We can establishing a nature reserves and let they quietly life. (pozwolić im spokojnie żyć).
3. I doesn’t enjoy studying science at school. Physics in my school is too hard for me and I have problem with that school subject.
4. I wouldn’t like to be famous. Stars have very hard life they can’t live as ordinary people.
5. I know of a particulary famous robbery. That was in Warsaw 10 years ago, when theee man killed 3 bank workwomen and bodyguards. Than they robber 1[tel]zł.
6. I think it’s a good thing to be competitive. Thanks to competition people are developing their talents and factory making improving quality products.
7. I very like taking photographs. I taken very different photographs but I especially like taken photographs on party.

sprawdźcie mi to prosze:) musze to umiec na jutro
until 100 years old
until I am 100 (years old)
to stay
of na kocu zdania do usuniecia
there are = są - wszyscy wiemy, że takie zwierzęta istnieją. zastanów się
po can jest bezokolicznik
reserves to liczba mnoga
po let nie może być they, bo they to tylko w podmiocie
doesn't nie laczy sie z I
have a problem
hard lives kropka
like ordinary
theee - co tooo?
female bank clerks
than = niż
robber = złodziej
develop (Simple present)
factory making improving nie ma sensu
...photographs very much
taken to zla forma czasownika
like taking
at parties
... average live expectancy ...
... are in danger of dying of. /ja bym poprawil a nie usunal, sorry mq/
mG :-)

fakt, tam jest phrasal.
mg, mq z podkresleniem wyglada tak samo, sorry.
wiem, wiem, że wygląda tak samo
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie