list jest calkiem niezly. Jednak zdanie: 'I am writing to enquire about the future intentions of the Polish' znaczy raczej, ze pytasz o intencje Polaków, a nie intencje wzgledem Polskim, gdyz slowo 'Polish' oznacza narod. Pomimo tego tekst na pewno zostalby zrozumiany przez odbiorce, jednak przesylam Ci nieco poprawiona wersje.
14th February 2012
Dear Apple's employees
I am writing to enquire about the future development plans regarding Poland. We have seen a good move from Apple company - opening the Apple online Store and iTunes. We appreciate it, but we are not fully satisfied. So therefore, on behalf of the entire Polish nation, please complement the Apple revolution in Poland and set up a Polish Apple Store.
I would appreciate a quick reply.
Yours faithfully,