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Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i o ewentualną poprawe błędów:

Q: Good morning
Q: Good morning. Please sit down ...
Q: You had no problem finding our company?
K: I got here without any problems.
Q: Please tell us something about yourself
K: I am a punctual, conscientious, likes challenges, and open to any new knowledge and experience. My passion is

photography, which has taught me patience and focus on the work being done ...
Q: What is your education?
K: I completed studies in international tourism at the University of Economics in Krakow, during which I was payin more

attention towards development of interpersonal skills ..., I also completed a postgraduate course in that profile ...
Q: Did you take an apprenticeship or internship in a similar position?
K: Yes, of course, I had a 3 months apprenticeship in a travel agency Almatur, and a half year internship at a travel

agency Tui ...
Q: Do you prefer to work individually or in a team?
K: I like to work in group as well as it is good for me to work on tasks that require individual initiative and creativity
Q: What do you know about our company?
K: I checked your website and found out that your office is very much appreciated and has many tourist events offers as

well as foreign events, you also specialize in individual events and colonies and camps for youth
Q: Why do you want to work in our office?
K: The work that you office offers is related to my interests and passions, I rally care about my development in this

Q: What about your availability?
K: I am fully available.
Q: Did you graduate some extra courses, in which you can have any special skills?
K: Of course. I graduated from pilot training, and a guide to Krakow. I also have a course at managment of the colony and

camps, and the driving license of category B.
Q: Do you ever think about changing career?
k: No, because I know since high school I wanted to work towards tourism and I will never want to change it, turism is a

broad an very interesting field, which gives opportunity to learn about new cultures and historical monuments
Q: How do you cope with stress every day at work?
Q: I have a rule never to approach a problem until they calm down. First, I think, then act.
Q: So you worked for 2 years on that position?
k: Yes, as a result of working in this position I mastered in a very good degree of office equipment and computer

programs; Merlin booking systems, CRM ..., I cope well in dealing with other people. Being in this position has taught me

the exemplary organization of the work. This experience is so ideal for me to take other action related to the cooperation

with other people.
q: With your interest looks like you traveled much in Europe?
K: The possibility of traveling has taught me much independence and good orientation in new situations, thanks to i easly

communicate with other people, traveling also allowed me to improve language skills.
q: So what foreign languages do you know?
K: English and German in speech and writing, as well i speak in Italian and Spanish.
q: Have you ever peformed this kind of work? ...
Q: My previous experience gives me a very good foundation to master this skill, I think that every job is a challenge

which i am happy to undertake, I have never had problems with the mastering of new responsabilities.
Q: Why did you stop working at the previous place?
K: Because I want to make better use of my skills, I believe that changing jobs would give me more opportunities to self-

q: what are your disadvantages?
K: I'm stubborn in the pursuit of my goals, I like to take action, so I prefer not to work under tight control
Q: What are your financial expectations?
K: I would like to earn as much as the company is able to value my work
q: Does your commute to work cause you any difficulties?
k: It doesn't cause any problem. I have my own car and the distance to work is not too great.
Q: When are you able to start?
K: At any time
q: Do you have any questions?
K: No, thank you very much.
Q: Goodbye
K: Goodbye

Q: You had no problem finding our company? Tak sie pytania nie daje, tu powinno byc...Did you have any problems...
K: I 'got' (kto w dzisiejszym wieku uzyje to dziwactwo, i to nawet wtedy jak idze po prace - pomysl) here without any problems.
Q: Please tell us something about yourself
K: I am a punctual, conscientious, 'likes' (kto co? dlaczego o sobie mowisz w 3os.l.poj?) challenges, and (tu cos brak) open to any new knowledge and experience. My passion is
photography, which has taught me patience and focus on the work being done ...
Q: What is your education?
K: I completed studies in international tourism at the University of Economics in Krakow, during which I 'was payin' (ortoig ale i tak to w simple) more attention towards (brak cos) development of interpersonal skills ...,
K: I like to work in (a gdzie do ch. przedimek?) group as well as it is good for me to work on tasks that require individual initiative and creativity
K: I checked your website and 'found out' (uzywaj slowa na wyzszym szczeblu, tutaj 'discovered') that your office is very much appreciated and has many 'tourist events offers' (cos tu nie tak) as
well as foreign events, you also specialize in individual events and colonies and camps for 'youth' (nie, tutaj 'young people')
K: The work that 'you' (ortog) office offers is related to my interests and passions, I 'rally' (car rally?) care about my development in this direction.
K: I am 'fully available' (co to dokladnie znaczy, napisz to poprawnie).
Q: Did you graduate (cos tu brak) some extra courses, in which you can have any special skills?
K: Of course. I graduated from pilot training, and (cos tu brak) a guide 'to' OF Krakow. I also 'have a course' (You do NOT have a course, you 'completed a course') at managment of the colony and camps, and 'the' (niepotr) driving license of category B.
Q: Do you ever think about changing (cos tu brak) career?
k: No, because I 'know' (zly czas popraw) since high school THAT I wanted to work towards tourism and I will never want to change it, 'turism' (ortog) is a broad 'an' (ortog) very interesting field, which gives (cos tu brak) opportunity to learn about new cultures and historical monuments
Q: I have a rule never to approach a problem until 'they' (a kto dokladnie jest to 'they'?) calm down.
Q: So you worked for 2 years 'on' (dlaczego spolszczasz to - tak nie mowimy po ang) that position?
k: Yes, as a result of working in this position I 'mastered in a very good degree' CO?) of office equipment and computer programs; Merlin booking systems, CRM ...,
Being in this position has taught me 'the' (niepotr) exemplary organization of the work.
q: With your interest looks like you traveled much in Europe?
K: The possibility of traveling has taught me much independence and (cos brak) good orientation in new situations, thanks to (tu cos brak) 'i' (a dlaczego piszesz to mala litera? No dlaczego?) 'easly' (ortog) (tu cos brak) communicate with other people, traveling also allowed me to improve (cos tu brak) language skills.
K: English and German in speech and writing, 'as well i speak in Italian and Spanish' (napisz to poprawnie).
Q: My previous experience gives me a very good foundation to master this skill, I think that every job is a challenge which 'i' (nawet nie chce sie wyrazac, ale do chol...jasnej, dlaczego na tym etrapie pracy, nie wiesz ze 'I' piszemy DUZA litera?) am happy to undertake, I have never had problems with the mastering of new responsabilities.
K: Because I 'want' (zly czas) to make better use of my skills,
q: what are your 'disadvantages' (uzyj inne slowo)?
q: Does 'your' (zle slowo) commute to work cause you any difficulties?
k: It doesn't cause (komu czemu? musisz napisac) any problem.
Dlaczego nie moze powiedziec "I got here ..."?
edytowany przez fui_eu: 16 mar 2012
Cytat: fui_eu
Dlaczego nie moze powiedziec "I got here ..."?

Dlatego, ze jak rozmawia sie z przyszlym pracodawca, to trzeba uzywac odpowiedni jezyk, i chociaz 'got' jest wiecej uzywany w AmE, w BrE to jest uznane na nizszym stopniu i lepiej tak:
I managed to get here, I had no problems...
Your qualifications and past experience are impeccable yada yada... but at the begining of the interview you said "I GOT here... " I'm sorry sir, we can't hire you.
Cytat: fui_eu
Your qualifications and past experience are impeccable yada yada... but at the begining of the interview you said "I GOT here... " I'm sorry sir, we can't hire you.

W krajach gdzie recruiterzy/pracodawcy nie biora ludzi do pracy, tylko dlatego, ze im sie nie podobaja zdjecia/filmy na Facebook, trzeba byc uwaznym i zawsze zaczynac z najwyzszym poziomem jezyka.
Ale "I got here" jest gramatycznie poprawne. Skad Ty bierzesz ze na interview nie mozna uzywac codziennego jezyka?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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