Rozprawka: "You really are what you eat".

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Proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki na temat "You really are what you eat".

I think everyone heard that we really are what we eat. One person can agree with it, another not. I totally agree with this sentence.
Every person need to eat. It is obvious, but not everyone know what he or she should eat to be healthy and feel well.
Nowadays we are inundated by junk food. This kind of food is cheap, readily available so many people enjoy eat it. It do not take much time to prepare this kind of food. You just buy it and it. It is faster and cheaper than eat a full-fledged meal, so many people choose junk food because they have not enough time, money or they are just lazy.
Look at people who eat fast-food regularly. They are often fat and it this results in many diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 2 or even myocardial infarction!
It is good prize for eat junk food? I do not think so. This kind of diet it entails diseases and it is not good for people.
Every people should eat well, avoid fast-food. This is better because you are more healthy and you feel better. If you will eat well you will be healthful and your life can be longer.
We can compare people who eat well and who do not. When we do this we can see that people who have good diet have better form, health and frame of mind, so I think that we should take care about this what we eat.

Z góry bardzo dziękuję :).
"I totally agree with this sentence [statement]"
"Every person [everyone, every human] needS to eat"
" It do not take much time"
"You just buy it and [...] it"
"It is faster and cheaper than [..] eat"
"and it this results in many diseases" jedno albo drugie
"It is good prize for eat junk food?" - pytanie od "is"; "good prize" zmień to
"This kind of diet it entails diseases " znów to samo
"If you will eat well you will be healthful "
"have better form [shape or condition], health and frame of mind"
"we should take care about this what we eat" zmień
Dziękuję za pomoc. Naniosłem poprawki. Teraz to wygląda tak:

I think everyone heard that we really are what we eat. One person can agree with it, another not. I totally agree with this statement.
Everyone needs to eat. It is obvious, but not everyone know what he or she should eat to be healthy and feel well.
Nowadays we are inundated by junk food. This kind of food is cheap, readily available so many people enjoy eat it. It do not take much time (co jest złego w ‘it do’?, nie może tak być?) to prepare this kind of food. You just buy it and eat it. It is faster and cheaper than eat a full-fledged meal, so many people choose junk food because they have not enough time, money or they are just lazy.
Look at people who eat fast-food regularly. They are often fat and it results in many diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 2 or even myocardial infarction!
Is it good prize for eat junk food? I do not think so. This kind of diet entails diseases and it is not good for people.
Every people should eat well, avoid fast-food. This is better because you are more healthy and you feel better. If you eat well you will be healthful and your life can be longer.
We can compare people who eat well and who do not. When we do this we can see that people who have good diet have better condition, health and frame of mind, so I think that we should take care about what we eat.

Ale nie rozumiem co jest nie tak z " It do not take much time".
One person can agree with it, another not. /Ja uwazam ze czegos brak w tym zdaniu i cos mozna usunac, i wybral bym
If you eat well you will be healthful ..../inny przymiotnik/
edytowany przez fui_eu: 23 mar 2012
Ale nie rozumiem co jest nie tak z " It do not take much time".
trzecia osoba

edytowany przez fui_eu: 23 mar 2012
no wlasnie, trzecia osoba
It is faster and cheaper than eat a full-fledged meal....
w miejsce eat wstawil bym inny czasownik i w innej formie /wlasciwie masz kilka do wyboru/.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 23 mar 2012
Prosze zwrocic uwage na moje poprawienia:

I think everyone HAS heard that we really are what we eat. One person can agree with 'it' THAT , another PERSON not. I, HOWEVER totally agree with this statement.
It is obvious, but not everyone 'know' (everyone jest tutaj 3os.l.poj, prosze zmienic czasownik) what he or she should eat to be healthy and feel well.
Nowadays we are inundated 'by' WITH (you are inundated WITH something) junk food. This kind of food is cheap, readily available AND so many people enjoy eatING it. It 'do' DOES not take much time to prepare this kind of food.
It is faster and cheaper than eatING a full-fledged meal. (nowe zdanie). So many people choose junk food because they DO NOT have 'not' (niepotr) enough time, money or they are just lazy.
They are often fat and 'it' (tutaj nie jest jasne do czego to 'it' sie odnosi) results in many diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 2 or even myocardial infarction!
.....Is it good prize for eat junk food? ....To zdanie nie jest zrozumiale dla mnie
'Every people' (CO? poprsaw to - tutaj powinno byc ALL PEOPLE) should eat well AND avoid fast-food.
If you eat well you will be 'healthful' (to slowo dotychczas nie istnial;o w jez. ang 0- i dalej nie istnieje - co ty wypisujesz?) and your life can be longer.
We can compare people who eat well and THOSE who do not. When we do this we can see that people who have good diet have 'better condition' (to nie jest zrozumiale w jez. ang), health and frame of mind, so I think that we should take care about what we eat.

Ale nie rozumiem co jest nie tak z " It do not take much time".
HEALTHFUL istnieje w jezyku angielskim.
Lub moglas jej napisac nowa prace od zera.
Cytat: terri
Prosze zwrocic uwage na moje poprawienia:

I think everyone HAS heard that we really are what we eat. One person can agree with 'it' THAT , another PERSON not. I, HOWEVER totally agree with this statement.
It is obvious, but not everyone 'know' (everyone jest tutaj 3os.l.poj, prosze zmienic czasownik) what he or she should eat to be healthy and feel well.
Nowadays we are inundated 'by' WITH (you are inundated WITH something) junk food. This kind of food is cheap, readily available AND so many people enjoy eatING it. It 'do' DOES not take much time to prepare this kind of food.
It is faster and cheaper than eatING a full-fledged meal. (nowe zdanie). So many people choose junk food because they DO NOT have 'not' (niepotr) enough time, money or they are just lazy.
They are often fat and 'it' (tutaj nie jest jasne do czego to 'it' sie odnosi) results in many diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 2 or even myocardial infarction!
.....Is it good prize for eat junk food? ....To zdanie nie jest zrozumiale dla mnie
'Every people' (CO? poprsaw to - tutaj powinno byc ALL PEOPLE) should eat well AND avoid fast-food.
If you eat well you will be 'healthful' (to slowo dotychczas nie istnial;o w jez. ang 0- i dalej nie istnieje - co ty wypisujesz?) and your life can be longer.
We can compare people who eat well and THOSE who do not. When we do this we can see that people who have good diet have 'better condition' (to nie jest zrozumiale w jez. ang), health and frame of mind, so I think that we should take care about what we eat.

Ale nie rozumiem co jest nie tak z " It do not take much time".

healthful rzeczywiście istnieje, ale w BrE nigdy go nie słyszałem, gdyż jest bardzo formalne. Wholesome :)
edytowany przez grudziu: 24 mar 2012
Poprawiłem. Teraz to wygląda tak:

I think everyone has heard that we really are what we eat. One person can agree with that, another person not. I however totally agree with this statement.
Everyone needs to eat. It is obvious, but not everyone knows what he or she should eat to be healthy and feel well.
Nowadays we are inundated with junk food. This kind of food is cheap, readily available and many people enjoy eating it. It does not take much time to prepare this kind of food. You just buy it and eat it. It is faster and cheaper than eating a full-fledged meal. So many people choose junk food because they do not have enough time, money or they are just lazy.
Look at people who eat fast-food regularly. They are often fat and their body weight results in many diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 2 or even myocardial infarction!
Is it good prize for eat junk food? (W polskim bym napisał- czy to jest dobra cena za jedzenie śmieciowego jedzenia? W sensie, że te wszystkie choroby i otyłość, o to mi tutaj chodziło, może zostać?) I do not think so. This kind of diet entails diseases and it is not good for people.
Everyone should eat well and avoid fast-food. This is better because you are more healthy and you feel better. If you eat well you will be healthy and your life can be longer.
We can compare people who eat well and those who do not. When we do this we can see that people who have good diet have better form, health and frame of mind, so I think that we should take care about what we eat.

1. po polsku też napisałas niepoprawnie "dobra cena" to jest coś pozytywnego, napisz coś w stylu "czy cena (jaką trzeba zapłacić) jest warta tego" , price-cena, prize-nagroda
2. możesz mi powidzeć co chciałaś przekazać używając "better form" ?

Cytat: trez4
Poprawiłem. Teraz to wygląda tak:

Is it good prize for eat junk food? (W polskim bym napisał- czy to jest dobra cena za jedzenie śmieciowego jedzenia? W sensie, że te wszystkie choroby i otyłość, o to mi tutaj chodziło, może zostać?)

We can compare people who eat well and those who do not. When we do this we can see that people who have good diet have better form, health and frame of mind, so I think that we should take care about what we eat.
edytowany przez ivonne: 24 mar 2012
Better form- lepsza forma fizyczna.
Może być tak- 'whether the price to be paid is worth it?'?
I chciałEŚ, nie chciałAŚ.
Cytat: trez4
I chciałEŚ, nie chciałAŚ.

rozumiem, że to było zamiast "dziękuję za pomoc" ?....
edytowany przez ivonne: 24 mar 2012
Jeżeli jeszcze nie skończyłaś to nie. Każdy swój temat, gdziekolwiek zakańczam podziękowaniem dla osób, od których otrzymałem pomoc. To było tylko wtrącenie, chyba, że już cała praca jest poprawna.
Cytat: fui_eu
HEALTHFUL istnieje w jezyku angielskim.

ciekawe, prosze zacytowac zrodlo.
Cytat: terri
Cytat: fui_eu
HEALTHFUL istnieje w jezyku angielskim.

ciekawe, prosze zacytowac zrodlo.

ok sama znalazlam, ale to jest slowo ktore ja bym nie uzywala. Ciekawa jestem kiedy weszlo w uzycie...
To jak teraz ta praca wygląda? Nie ma w niej żadnych błędów? Bo dopiero jak praca będzie bezbłędna temat uznam za skończony.
Cytat: trez4
Jeżeli jeszcze nie skończyłaś to nie. Każdy swój temat, gdziekolwiek zakańczam podziękowaniem dla osób, od których otrzymałem pomoc. To było tylko wtrącenie, chyba, że już cała praca jest poprawna.

to nie było pytanie mój drogi tylko ironiczna uwaga z mojej strony...
Ponawiam pytanie, jak teraz wygląda praca?
Jakieś błędy jeszcze występują?
>ok sama znalazlam, ale to jest slowo ktore ja bym nie uzywala. Ciekawa jestem kiedy weszlo w >uzycie...

“1.Promoting or conducive to bodily health; health-giving , wholesome, ssalubrious.”
The OED date chart shows that quotations in the above sense were first attested in 1398
tak czy inaczej, nie można mówić "I will be healthful" - 'bedę korzystny dla zdrowia'?

POWINNO się mówić 'healthful food', a nie 'healthy food' - wtedy to ma sens
no buts about it
edytowany przez savagerhino: 24 mar 2012

Does it concern a place? eg a salubrious place?
Cytat: mg
tak czy inaczej, nie można mówić "I will be healthful" - 'bedę korzystny dla zdrowia'?

POWINNO się mówić 'healthful food', a nie 'healthy food' - wtedy to ma sens

a jednak takie "dziwadło" istnieje w słownikach:
1. conducive to health; wholesome or salutary: a healthful diet.
2. healthy - a less common word for healthy.
To ze jest w slownikach to jest jasne. W slownikach jests wiele slow ktore nie sa teraz uzywane. Sa wczesniejsze przyklady uzycia w sensie ‘ I’m healthful’, ale znow pytanie tylko jak czesto jest to teraz uzywane i w jakicj kontekstach , a jak jest to jak to ”brzmi”.
brzmi dziwnie, to fakt
Teraz będą prowadzić dywagacje nt jednego słowa. rotfl
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 54
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