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How do people become addicted? What can be done to help people fight addictions?

More and more people become addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, toxic people etc. What are the reasons? Everybody should think about this and try to find the answers. If you know that someone has got that kind of problem, react on that and looking for help.
Firstly, if you see that your member of the family or close friend behaves different like before, begin to observe him/her. Maybe your loved one suffers from the problem which couldn’t solve alone and needs a friendly hand.
Moreover, the majority of people who are addicted, feel worse than others. Sometimes the reason is the lack of love or true friends. To avoid being addicted person is an acceptation of the most close people and living in a good relationships.
Furthermore, people with addictions usually run the stress life. The best idea is to find various interests especially some kind of sport. It fill time which was spent on drugs.
But, sometimes, an alone working with addicted person is too hard. And the only way out is to visit a special center to addicts and a long therapy.
To sum up, the fight with addictions isn’t simple as we would like to. The most important is realize that you are addicted to something. If you have that problem - don’t be shy and try to tell someone about it.
More and more people become addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, 'toxic people' (nie mysle, ze slyszalam o tej addiction) 'etc' (nie pisz tego, nikt nie wie co masz na mysli - ludzie nie moga byc addicted do etc).
If you know that someone has got that kind of (a gdzie przedimek?) problem, react 'on that and' (Niepotr) (brak slowa) looking for help.
Firstly, if you see that 'your' (zle slowo-popraw) member of the family or close friend behaves different 'like' (to jest zle slowo tutaj, to jest dlatego, ze slowo 'like' wpiep...sie wszedzie) before, begin to observe him/her. Maybe your loved one suffers from 'the' (zle slowo) problem which (alr kto? musisz napisac) 'couldn’t' (zly czas) solve alone and needs a friendly hand.
To avoid being addicted (przedimek) person 'is an acceptation' (tu masz blad ortog ale i tak zle slowo) of the 'most close' (closest) people and living in a good relationships.
Furthermore, people with addictions usually run 'the' (zle slowo) 'stress' (zla czesc mowy) life.
It (tutaj modal) fill (przedimek) time which was spent on 'drugs' (a dlaczego akurat on drugs a nie alcohol?)
But, sometimes, 'an alone working' (zla kol slow) with (przedimek) addicted person is too hard. And the only way out is to visit a special 'center' (centrre-BrE) 'to' (zle slowo) addicts and a long therapy.
To sum up, the fight with addictions isn’t AS simple as we would like IT to BE. The most important (ale co Musisz napisac) is (cos brak) realize that you are addicted to something.
"solve alone" - ja bym napisała "solve by themself"
"The best idea is to find various interests especially some kind of sport" użyłabym "solution" bo wcześniej było, że jest problem

themself jeszcze chyba jest uważane za niepoprawne.
Jeszcze raz popatrzylam na to zdanie.
Maybe your loved one suffers from A problem which THEY CAN'T solve alone and THEY NEED a friendly 'hand' (hand jest zle - tutaj 'shoulder to cry on? albo cos podobnego).
Cytat: eva74
themself jeszcze chyba jest uważane za niepoprawne.

sorry, trochę się czasem jak myśli się o l.p. a używa l.m.
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