Opis pomieszczenia

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Hej:) mam napisać opis pomieszczenie.które działa na mnie najbardziej irytująco.Bardzo proszę o jego sprawdzenie bo nie jstem zbyt dobra z angielskiego i wiem ,że na pewno popełniłam duzo błędów:/

My cousine with his parent move house three month ago.They live in a large home with a beautiful garden and double garage.Inside is the interrior pool.That house is wery ultra-modern und stylish and cosy.In this house i like a lot of interrior in particulary kitchen which is very cosy but my cousine bedroom's is terrible.The first thing i notice about the place is inadequate color.The walls are yellow and roog is green .Green is the color,which schould be calm down but this interrior is very annoying to me.Second things running at me annoyingly are decor.My cousine love colorful ornaments.I personally think it is trashy and just ugly.Bedroom 's cousine is big but it seems to me to be small.In the corner is sofa which is very uncorfortable. This sofa is the worst that I've ever seen.I'am very frustraded ,when i glimpse on the big poster which hanging on the.On the poster is Selena Gomez because my cousine is very big fan of her.I don't like Selena because I prefer classic rock and pop is also very good.I think tat bedroom is annoying by inconvenient location.There is in the attic.When i look aot the window i see depressing view.Disadvantages is also too dark lighting with the resulting problems with eyesight.I'am person ho like music but there isn't tower and even radio.I personally think that this bedroom's cousine is very terrible.My familly considered it is cool.I don't like it design .I don't feel good in it .I prefer more subdued colors than flashy.However ,if will be more time .i might to concince him.
Sa darmowe programy w Google ktore oferuja poprawe bledow ortograficznych. Przynajmniej tyle moglabys zrobic zanim wkleilas swoja prace. Makabra.
Dziękuję bardzo,twoja pomoc jest naprawdę bardzo użyteczna!
Kolejna bezstresowo wychowana. W ten sposób zapewniłaś sobie to, że już nikt ci nie pomoże.
przeklejenie do Worda i spr. pisowni zajmie ci 30 sek., a ktoś będzie miał 10 min. krócej żeby poprawić istotniejsze błędy, nie rób żenujących błędów, "und" to jest niemiecki, aż się nie chce czegoś takiego czytać, zrób więcej ze swojej strony żeby się komuś chciało, a 30 sek. to chyba nie aż takie poświęcenie
My cousin with her parents moved house three years ago.The live in a large home with beautiful garden and double garage.There is also indoor swimming pool.This home is very impressive and modern.In this house i like a lot of room in particular kitchen which is cosy and airybut my cousin's bedroom is awful.The first thing i notice about the place is unsuitable color.The walls are yellow and ceiling is green.Green is the color which should be calm down but this interior is very annoying to me.The second thing running at me annoyingly are decor.My cousin loves colorful ornaments.I personally think it is too trashy and just ugly.Bedroom cousin's is big but it seem to me to be small cause it is a bad arrangement of furniture.In the corner is sofa which is very uncomfortable.This sofa is the worst that i have ever seen.I'am very frustrated when i glimpse on the big poster which hanging on the wardrobe.On the poster is Selena Gomez because my cousin is very big fan of her.I don't like Selena because i prefer classic rock and pop is also very good.I think also that bedroom is annoying by inconvenient location.It is him disadvantage.When i look out the window i see depressing view.Disadvantage is also too dar lighting with the resulting problems with eyesight.I'am person who like music but there isn't tower and even radio.I personally think this bedroom cousin's is very terrible and annoying.My family considered it is cool.I don't like it design.I don't feel good in it.I prefer more subdued colors than flashy.However if more time passes i may convince him. Poprawiłam błędy ortograficzne i jeszcze zmieniłam niektóre zdania ,prosze teraz o sprawdzenie.
airy but *
...moved house... = przenieśli dom
Gdzie ten dom przenieśli i w jaki sposób ? Teleportacja ? Magia ?
Po angielsku piszemy "I" a nie "i"... Itp. Od błędów się roi.
a sprawdź sobie 'move house' w słowniczku, zanim jeszcze coś tu napiszesz, ok?
Dziękuje,umiecie człowieka dobić .
Cytat: berrika94
My cousin with her parents moved house three years ago.TheY live in a large home with PRZEDIMEK beautiful garden and PRZEDIMEK double garage.There is also PRZEDIMEK indoor swimming pool.This home is very impressive and modern. WHAT I LIKE ABOUT this house IS THAT THERE IS a lot of room PRZECCINEK in particular PRZEDIMEK kitchen PRZECCINEK which is cosy and airy PRZECCINEK but my cousin's bedroom is awful.The first thing i notice about the place<-TO DOTYCZY CALEGO DOMU is PRZEDIMEK unsuitable color.The walls are yellow and PRZEDIMEK ceiling is green.Green is the color which should be calm down=BYC USPOKAJAC but this interior is very annoying to me.The second thing running at me annoyingly ZLE WYRAZENIE Z RUNNING, UZYJ GET ON MY NERVES IS PRZEDIMEK decor.My cousin loves colorful ornaments.I personally think it is too trashy and just ugly. PRZEDIMEK Bedroom cousin's =KUZYN SYPIALNI is big but it seem<-ZLA FORMA to me to be small BEcause MEBLE SA ZLE USTAWIONE /it is a bad arrangement of furniture/.In the corner is PRZEDIMEK sofa PRZECCINEK which is very uncomfortable.This sofa is the worst that i have ever seen.I'am very frustrated when i LOOK AT the big poster which hanging<ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA on the wardrobe ZNACZY NA GORNEJ POWIERZCHNI SZAFY? ZANIAM SIE TAM WGRAMOLISZ, MUSISZ SIE BARDZO FRUSTROWAC, TO JASNE.On the poster is Selena Gomez because my cousin is PRZEDIMEK very big fan of herS.I don't like Selena because i prefer classic rock and pop is also very good.I ALSO think that PRZEDIMEK bedroom is annoying Z POWODU ITS inconvenient location.It is him<ZLY WYRAZ (TO NIE JEST CZLOWIEK) disadvantage.When i look out the window i see PRZEDIMEK depressing view.ANOTHER Disadvantage is too dar CO? lighting with the resulting problems with eyesight.I'am PRZEDIMEK person who like ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA music but there isn't A STEREO SET OR even PRZEDIMEK radio.I personally think this bedroom cousin's HA HA is very terrible and annoying.My family considered CZAS PRZESZLY? it is cool.I don't like it=TO design.I don't feel good in it.I prefer more subdued colors than flashy.However if more time passes i may convince him PRZEKONAM GO.
Of late we've been given the lecture on "how the teacher should work with his pupils", and after juxtaposition of what I was told with what I can see here I am flabbergasted a bit.
I bet that there are many teachers here, but your approach to those who are learning English leaves a lot of to be desired. It is repulsive...

let it stay in the margin.
I bet that there are many teachers here, but your approach to those who are learning English leaves a lot of to be desired. It is repulsive...

well, please enlighten us how we should treat people who are learning English....and what exactly do you mean by 'leaves a lot to be desired'.
You have to be extra sweet and loving lest the overly sensitive become traumatized for life.
Cytat: terri
I bet that there are many teachers here, but your approach to those who are learning English leaves a lot of to be desired. It is repulsive...

well, please enlighten us how we should treat people who are learning English....and what exactly do you mean by 'leaves a lot to be desired'.

Well, I am a student, not a teacher. You should be a role model for me to follow. I am "tiny" towards you. Over a year of study behind me. To put it bluntly, the more I put into it, the more I get out of it.

leave a lot to be desired=leave much to be desired=leave a great deal to be desired

dear Eva, I am smiling reassuringly in reaction to what you wrote.
didn't your read Sofokles? As we say colloquially : the replenished understand not the pain of the starving
>>>Well, I am a student, not a teacher.
...Pardon me, but I don't see a connection here. Many students know more than their teachers (but in your case NOT)

>>>You should be a role model for me to follow.
...I am, as long as you do what I say...when I correct a mistake and make a comment, it is because I expect you to know better

>>>put it bluntly, the more I put into it, the more I get out of it.
...yes, yes, when you have studied for 20, 30 years - come back to me and tell me what you have

>>>leave a lot to be desired=leave much to be desired=leave a great deal to be desired
...I know what it mans, I wanted you to show ME - where we could improve...and why you think so.

>>>Pardon me, but I don't see a connection here. Many students know more than their teachers (but in your case NOT)

agree and don't question it. It is over a year since I started learning English. Take it into consideration, will you? Don't expect me to know English back to front after a year study. Are you bananas? (no offence).
I am not so young as you all think I am, for English is my third field.

edytowany przez grudziu: 02 kwi 2012
No to się nie dziw, że cię poprawiamy na każdym kroku.
>>.I know what it mans, I wanted you to show ME - where we could improve...and why you think so.

"Dziękuje,umiecie człowieka dobić " that's the answer.

Cytat: pakk
No to się nie dziw, że cię poprawiamy na każdym kroku.

I am not astonished or surprised at this at all. You're criticizing rather then correcting (besides terri).

From now on, I'II be twice fastidious when writing.

edytowany przez grudziu: 02 kwi 2012
rozumiem ze się uczysz, ja też nie jestem anglistą i chcę szlifować język, ale czy musisz co drugi post wspominać, że uczysz się od roku?
jak czegoś nie wiesz nie doradzaj, jak wydaje ci cię, że wiesz i ktoś cię poprawi (cóż zdarza się kazdemu) przyjmij to z pokorą wszak - jak sam przyznajesz co chwilę - nie jesteś specjalistą
"Dziękuje,umiecie człowieka dobić " that's the answer.


You have to be extra sweet and loving lest the overly sensitive become traumatized for life.

make for a funny combination.
Muszę. Bo tu wymagają perfect i wyszukują się NAJMNIEJSZYCH BŁĘDÓW, które zamiast poprawić, komentują. Stosunek do wielu osób proszących o pomoc (zwłaszcza o podstawowy ang) jest pompuous, bo za łatwe.
Po roku nauki tu wszyscy mówili po królewsku, wiesz:) Nikt nie mówi idealnym językiem. Mówię o spoken English. To jest clique..
edytowany przez grudziu: 02 kwi 2012
Pakk, przeglądałem Twoje wcześniejsze posty. Jeszcze par lat temu sam prosiłeś o pomoc, a teraz boss. Pozdrów Miami i Florydę.
edytowany przez grudziu: 02 kwi 2012
The only person I could rely on is terri. I"II set about working. No sense in bandying with words here.
edytowany przez grudziu: 02 kwi 2012
grudziu nie obraź się ale każdy twój post jest edytowany (każdy), o czym to świadczy ? najpierw piszesz, potem myślisz... stąd te reakcje
Cytat: ivonne
grudziu nie obraź się ale każdy twój post jest edytowany (każdy), o czym to świadczy ? najpierw piszesz, potem myślisz... stąd te reakcje

Nie! poprawiam, gdyż widzę, że jest jakiś błąd typu brak przedimka czy coś i wiem, że się doczepicie, to stąd. To syndrom perfekcjonizmu. A raczej nie wyuczonej poprawności. Rozumiesz?:)
A i nie każdy post, scroll up;).

ok - lepiej się zabrać za coś pożyteczne, na razie.
Nikt sie Ciebie nie czepia bez powodu.

Sprawdz w slowniku i/lub ksiazce do gramatyki zanim klikniesz na Dodaj wpis. Przy okazji sie czegos nauczysz :)
Cytat: grudziu
>>.I know what it mans, I wanted you to show ME - where we could improve...and why you think so.

"Dziękuje,umiecie człowieka dobić " that's the answer.

"Fortunately" for us you make it extremely easy, you step right into it....

Cytat: grudziu
Muszę. Bo tu wymagają perfect i wyszukują się NAJMNIEJSZYCH BŁĘDÓW, które zamiast poprawić komentują.

Even though assumption is the lowest level of knowledge I dare to assume that you're talking to the guy in the mirror...and I know I am right.
A couple of points for ya to consider:
-arguing with Terri, eva or siunia for that matter is like catching a falling knife with no kevlar glove on ...painful.
-arguing with any woman is like arguing with Israelites - you piss'em off and you start a 500 years long war ...make sure you understand the consequences.
- you do an extreme amount of backtracking...I think it was siunia that advised you to sit back, relax and watch more than talk...aren't you a toddler after all?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 43
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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie