Lost in the forest - Proszę o spr.

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Once upon a time a little girl took a walk in the woods. Walking leisurely she was admiring the beauty of nature. Out of a sudden she discern a blanket of fog and heard an earsplitting cry of a child. Although she first went numb it didn't cross her mind to run away. The curious girl was approaching inch by inch to the source of the call and stopped short. From behind the fog a small cuddle emerged with a baby in it. To girl's shock it wasn't a pleasant view. An enormous baby with a shrilling black look made her shiver with fear. It looked as if it wasn't a normal baby. Its eyes were hypnotising. The more the girl looked in its eyes, the more weak she felt. She lastly fainted. She awoke in a biterrly cold cavern with a few creatures near the entrance. It seemed as though they were cooking something in a bulky pot. Without making any noise she managed to leave the cave unobserved. She had no clue where she was but she knew she had to run as fast as she can. She was straying around the forest as she saw the familiar footpath. At the crack of dawn she was back home snuggling against her mother's shoulder.
edytowany przez Monka1990: 05 maj 2012
'Out' (zle slowo, tutaj ALL) of a sudden she 'discern' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo i musi byc w czasie przeszlym) a blanket of fog and heard an earsplitting cry of a child. Although 'she' (niepotr, ale daj AT) first SHE went numb it didn't cross her mind to run away. The curious girl was approaching inch by inch 'to' (niepotr) the source of the call and THEN stopped short. From behind the fog a small 'cuddle' (zle slowo) emerged with a baby in it. To (brak przedimka) 'girl's shock' (nie, cosa nie tak, tutaj SHOCKED GIRL) it wasn't a pleasant view.
She 'lastly fainted' (cos tu nie tak) .
She had no clue where she was but she knew she had to run as fast as she 'can COULD. She was straying around the forest 'as' (moze lepiej WHEN) she saw the familiar footpath.
Once upon a time a little girl took a walk in the woods. Walking leisurely she was admiring the beauty of nature. All of a sudden she beholded? a blanket of fog and heard an earsplitting cry of a child. Although at first she went numb it didn't cross her mind to run away. The curious girl was approaching inch by inch the source of the call and then stopped short. From behind the fog a small cradle emerged with a baby in it. To shocked girl it wasn't a pleasant view. An enormous baby with a shrilling black look made her shiver with fear. It looked as if it wasn't a normal baby. Its eyes were hypnotising. The more the girl looked in its eyes, the more weak she felt. She fainted at last. She awoke in a biterrly cold cavern with a few creatures near the entrance. It seemed as though they were cooking something in a bulky pot. Without making any noise she managed to leave the cave unobserved. She had no clue where she was but she knew she had to run as fast as she could. She was straying around the forest when she saw the familiar footpath. At the crack of dawn she was back home snuggling against her mother's shoulder.

Dziękuje Terri bardzo za to, że sprawdzasz te zadania ;)
All of a sudden she beholded? (nie tutaj BEHELD) a blanket of fog and heard an earsplitting cry of a child.
To THE shocked girl it wasn't a pleasant view.
She fainted at last. Tutaj ja widze...At last she fainted. (znaczyloby ze zemdlanie uratowalo ja z dalszego szoku)

Dziekuje. Nie znałam behold. Teraz już wiem jak się odmienia ;)
The more the girl looked in its eyes, the more weak she felt.

@Monka, czy widzisz blad w tym zdaniu?
Cytat: fui_eu
The more the girl looked in its eyes, the more weak she felt.

@Monka, czy widzisz blad w tym zdaniu?

ja sama to teraz widze. Powinno byc 'weaker'
Rzeczywiście, czasem aż głupio, że takie błędy się popełnia... ;)
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