Krótka rozprawka eseistyczna.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I have always wondered if the live of children of famous parents is easy and nice and what their role in such families is. In my opinion they are often unhappy and have a lot of troubles.
From the psychological angle, children in such families have everything, but they are alone. They spend their childhoods with babysitters and strangers. They can't tell their parents about problems, because their parents are tired and don't have enough time.
Socially, children of famous parents very often don't feel satisfied with the successes, because they meet with opinions that they owe everything their parents. This causes the cancellation of the desived objectives.
Finally, such children very often go astray, because they don't come up to their parents expectations. As a result of this, they are addicted to alcohol, drugs etc.
Surely, these arguments don't exhaust the issue. They pay attention only to some aspects, which confirm the unhappy live of children in the famous family.
I have always wondered if the 'live' (tutaj jest potrzebny rzeczownik a nie czasownik) of children of famous parents is easy and nice and what their role in such families is. In my opinion they are often unhappy and have a lot of troublE.
Socially, children of famous parents very often don't feel satisfied with the successes, because they meet with opinions that they owe everything (brak cos) their parents. This causes the 'cancellation' (nie za trafne slowo) of the 'desived' (ortog) objectives.
As a result of this, they are addicted to alcohol, drugs 'etc' (nie mozesz byc addicted to etc - bo nie wiem co to jest).
They pay attention only to some aspects, which confirm the unhappy 'live' (tutaj rzeczownik) of children in 'the' A famous family.