Jak rozwiązywać takie zadania?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Kompletnie nie wiem jak rozwiązywac takie zadania. Zawsze robię na intuicję...
Może ktoś ma jakąś radę na tego typu zadania.
Spróbuję uzupełnić.

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst. Wpisz w luki (1.1.-1.6.) wyrazy utworzone od wyrazów w nawiasach tak, aby tekst był logicznyi gramatycznie poprawny. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
Television now plays such an important role in people’s lives
that it is 1.1.essencional (ESSENCE) to decide whether
it’s a1.2. blessing (BLESS) or a curse. TV is not only a convenient
form of entertainment, but also a 1.3. compared (tu na pewno źle)
(COMPARE) cheap one. It keeps us informed about current
events and offers an 1.4. ednless (END) variety of instructive
and stimulating programmes. Some people maintain,
however, that the role of TV is 1.5. estimating (ESTIMATE)
and that TV programmes have no positive 1.6. educating
(EDUCATE) effect.

Uzupełnij poniższy tekst. W luki (2.1.– 2.4.) wpisz po jednym brakującym wyrazie tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź
otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.
In many American families both adults have jobs outside
the home. Because it is expensive,2.1._many____ families can afford
to hire a household help and as a result, most are accustomed
to 2.2._nie wiem____ the chores themselves. This is probably the reason
2.3.__that___ Americans are so crazy about time-saving devices
of all sorts. Smart microwaves, washing machines and robotic
vacuum 2.4.__That's___ all give us the illusion that we can get
time under control.

To mi idzie najgorzej z całego arkusza.
Proszę o jakąś pomoc i z góry dziękuję ;).
Television now plays such an important role in people’s lives
that it is 1.1.essencional (ESSENCE) to decide whether NIE MA TAKIEGO SŁOWA, OTWÓRZ SŁOWNIK
it’s a1.2. blessing (BLESS) or a curse. TV is not only a convenient OK
form of entertainment, but also a 1.3. compared (tu na pewno źle) NIEPORÓWNYWALNIE
(COMPARE) cheap one. It keeps us informed about current
events and offers an 1.4. ednless (END) variety of instructive OK (ENDLESS)
and stimulating programmes. Some people maintain,
however, that the role of TV is 1.5. estimating (ESTIMATE) PRZESZACOWANA
and that TV programmes have no positive 1.6. educating 'EDUKACYJNA' JEST INACZEJ, SPRAWDZ
(EDUCATE) effect.

In many American families both adults have jobs outside
the home. Because it is expensive,2.1._many____ families can afford JEST DROGIE, WIĘC DUZO RODZIN MOZE SOBIE NA TO POZWOLIC? BEZ SENSU
to hire a household help and as a result, most are accustomed
to 2.2._nie wiem____ the chores themselves. This is probably the reason SA PRZYZWYCZAJENI DO ROBIENIA DOMOWYCH OBOWIAZKOW SAMEMU
2.3.__that___ Americans are so crazy about time-saving devices REASON WHY - DO ZAPAMIETANIA
of all sorts. Smart microwaves, washing machines and robotic
vacuum 2.4.__That's___ all give us the illusion that we can get
time under control. THAT'S JEST NIEGRAMATYCZNE

Television now plays such an important role in people’s lives
that it is 1.1.essentional(ESSENCE) to decide whether
it’s a1.2. blessing (BLESS) or a curse. TV is not only a convenient
form of entertainment, but also a 1.3. compartively
(COMPARE) cheap one. It keeps us informed about current
events and offers an 1.4. ednless (END) variety of instructive OK (ENDLESS)
and stimulating programmes. Some people maintain,
however, that the role of TV is 1.5. overestimated (ESTIMATE)
and that TV programmes have no positive 1.6. educational
(EDUCATE) effect.

In many American families both adults have jobs outside
the home. Because it is expensive,2.1. few families can afford
to hire a household help and as a result, most are accustomed
to 2.2. doing the chores themselves. This is probably the reason
2.3. why Americans are so crazy about time-saving devices
of all sorts. Smart microwaves, washing machines and robotic
vacuum 2.4. cleaners all give us the illusion that we can get
time under control.

Trudne te zadania, bo jak są podane w nawiasach słowa, to jeszcze ujdzie...
1.1 i 1.3 źle
w 1.3 w odpowiedziach jednak jest 'comparatively', czyli 'stosunkowo'
a co do 1.1 to trochę wstyd - otwórz słownik, naprawdę

Większośc jest 'tional' dlatego tak napisalem.


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