Opinion essay.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, proszę o sprawdzenie opinion essay. Pierwszy raz pisałem.

Niektórzy twierdzą, że wyposażenie wszystkich uczniów we własne laptopy przyczyniłoby się do znacznego podniesienia poziomu edukacji. Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz
swoją opinię na ten temat, uwzględniając edukacyjny, ekonomiczny i psychologiczny aspekt zagadnienia.

Nowadays, more and more students use computers to learn.
Some people think that every pupil should have their own laptop, because it may help to increase level of education. The moot question is what are educational, economical and psychological aspects of this kind of being.

Firstly, I focus on educational aspect. In my opinion it is a really great idea because technology is really helpful in education. Children may write more, because they write faster on laptop than in their notebooks. It result in higher level of education.

Secondly, I focus on economical aspect. In my point of view, it is a expensive thing and not every parent can afford to buy a laptop. It is good idea for children which parents do not have financial problems.

Lastly, I focus on psychological aspect. In my opinion children which have a cheaper laptop may be object of jokes because children are often callous. It can be really disheartening for some children. On the other side, many children may be happier on lessons because of using laptops because most of children enjoy using computers.

Taking everything into account I think that idea of equip every children in laptop is really fantastic, but it must be exactly the same laptop for every children in school.
Nowadays, more and more students use computers 'to learn' (for learning).
Some people think that every pupil should have their own laptop, because it may help to increase (przedimek) level of education. The moot question is what are educational, economical and psychological aspects of this kind of 'being' (napisz 'idea')

Firstly, I WILL focus on (przedimek) educational aspect.
...write faster on (przedmek) laptop than in their (cos brak) notebooks. 'It' THIS WILL result in (przedimek) higher level of education.

'Secondly' (niepotr), I NOW focus on economical aspect. 'In' FROM my point of view, it is aN expensive thing and not every parent can afford to buy a laptop. It is (przedimek) good idea for children 'which' WHOSE parents do not have financial problems.

Lastly, I WILL focus on psychological aspect. In my opinion children 'which' (WHO- children to ludzie) have a cheaper laptop may be (przedimek) SUBject of jokes because children are often callous.
...because most of THE children enjoy using computers.

Taking everything into account I think that THE idea 'of' TO equip every 'children' CHILD WITH 'in' (niepotr) laptop is really fantastic, but it must be exactly the same laptop for every 'children' CHILD in school.

Kochanie, blagam Cie, prosze naucz sie tych przedimkow (a,an,the). Obiecaj mi, ze sie ich nauczysz...;-)
Ok, obiecuję, że się nauczę :D.
Ale na maturze jak sobie sprawdzałem to nie zapomniałem chyba o żadnym przedimku!
Dziękuję za sprawdzenie :).
Poprawię jutro, bo dzisiaj padam na nos. Od 9 do 18 te matury trwały. Nie bez przerwy oczywiście, ale tak zeszło.
edytowany przez TheWitcher: 10 maj 2012


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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie