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I felt so excited when I looked at the envelope...
It was a cloudy and a rainy day. I was very depressed. Suddenly the doorbell rang. It was the postman and he gave me the letter.
I recognised the writing immediately. 'It must be from Joe, my boyfriend' I thought. I didn't see him and didn't have any message from him since he arrived to Denmark. It was about three months ago.
I tear the envelope quickly. When I have began to read my heart started to beat quicklier. Joe wrote he came back to Poland, because he is very missing me. I was very surprised, he had stay in Denmark for one year. He also wrote that he very apologize me that he didn't call me. Somebody had robbed his mobile phone, and unfortunately he don't remember my number. So this sad day come to my happiest day in my life.
It was a cloudy and {} rainy day. I was {feeling} very depressed. {I was having my breakfast when} suddenly the doorbell rang. It was the postman, {who} gave me {a} letter.
I recognised the writing immediately. 'It must be from Joe, my boyfriend,' I thought. I {hadn't heard from} him {} since he {had gone} to Denmark, {which} was about three months {before}.
I {tore open} the envelope quickly. When I {began} to read {it}, my heart started {pounding}. Joe wrote he came back to Poland because he {was} missing me {very much}. I was very surprised - he had {been staying} in Denmark for one year. He also wrote that he {was really sorry} that he {hadn't called} me. Somebody had {stollen} his mobile phone, and unfortunately he {didn't} remember my number. So {in the end,} this sad day {changed into the} happiest day in my life.
oczywiscie stolen, nie stollen
Widzisz Oldziek, masz poprawione na lepszą ocene i nie musiales nawet palcem w bucie kiwnąć.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 11 maj 2012
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