Co sądzisz o internecie, czym jest dla ciebie.

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Co sądzisz o internecie, czym jest dla ciebie - plusy i minusy korzystania z niego.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i naprowadzenie mnie na błędy :)
Z góry dziękuję

The internet is a very helpful in the life on every human. A lot of people uses internet every day, as I. On the internet I can say is everything. I use internet for different things. I often visit wikipedia, youtube, facebook, plemiona. On the internet are a lot of websites thet help you in all. On the internet are a lot of webpages with information from country and the world. On the internet you can buy different things. Internet even though it has many pluses, it also has many minuses. On the internet are a lot of scammers. On the internet are sites with adult man video, which children can watches. Use the internet you can make from it and thus, can be contract vision, spine etc. So internet is very helpful if we use with him with sense, coution and moderation.
The internet (Internet, później też pozmieniaj) is a very helpful (przedimek dotyczy rzeczownika, nie ma tu rzeczonego) in the life on (zmień) every human. A lot of people uses (popraw formę) internet every day, as I (the same as me). On the internet I can say (brak podmiotu) is everything. I use internet for different things. I often visit wikipedia, youtube, facebook, plemiona. On the internet (brak podmiotu) are a lot of websites thet (literówka) help you in all (everything). On the internet (podmiot) are a lot of webpages with information from (czemu tu brak przedimka? później dałeś) country and the world. On the internet you can buy different things. Internet even though (nie jestem pewna ani tej konstrukcji tutaj ani kolejności, ja bym napisała na pocz.zdania despite) it has many pluses, it also has many minuses. On the internet (znów...) are a lot of scammers. On the internet (znów...) are sites with adult man video, which children can watches (zmień, people, children to nie 3os lmn.). Use (to ma być rzeczownik) the internet you can make from it and thus (???), can be contract vision, spine etc (???). So internet is very helpful if we use with him (to nie człowiek, zmień) with sense, coution and moderation.
edytowany przez ivonne: 20 maj 2012
The internet is a very helpful in the life for every human. A lot of people use internet every day, for example I. In the internet I can find is everything. I use internet for different things. I often visit wikipedia, youtube, facebook, plemiona. In the internet are a lot of websites which help you in everything. In the internet are a lot of webpages with information from country on the world. In the internet you can buy different things. Depsite, internet has many pluses, it also has many minuses. In the internet are a lot of scammers. In the internet are sites with vidoe for adult man, which children can watch. Use the internet you can get hooked on that and you can deteriorate sight etc. So internet is very helpful if we use him with sense, coution and moderation.

Dzieki za pomoc.
Myślę że teraz będzie lepiej, po twoim naprowadzeniu na błędy :)
edytowany przez bombelek18: 20 maj 2012
niewiele poprawiłeś, prosty błąd piszemy z wielkiej litery Internet,

>>The internet is a very helpful in the life for every human. - pytanie: co w tym zadniu opisuje ten zestaw przymiotników "a very helpful " ?
>>In the internet are a lot of websites which help you in all. - wskaż mi w tym zadniu podmiot
The internet is a very helpful in the life 'for' (Zle slowo) every human. A lot of people use internet every day, for example 'I' ME.
In the internet I can find 'is' (po jakiemu ty to p[iszesz, dlaczego te zdania nie sa po ang?) everything. I use (a gdzie do chj jest przedimek?) internet for different things.
In the internet (cos brak) are a lot of websites which help you in everything.
In the internet are a lot of webpages with information from (cos brak) country 'on' ZLE slowo) the world.
Depsite, (cos brak) internet has many pluses, it also has many minuses.
In the internet (cos brak) are a lot of scammers. In the internet are sites with 'vidoe' (ortog) for (cos brak) adult man, which children can watch.
'Use' (ZLE slowo) the internet you can get hooked on 'that' (Zle slowo) and you can 'deteriorate' (zle slowo) sight 'etc' (no napisz mi wyraznie jak mozna ....etc?) .
So internet is very helpful if we use 'him' (a od kiedy 'internet' to 'he'?) with sense, 'coution' (ortog) and moderation.

The Internet is a very helpful (on albo with ) every human. A lot of people use Internet every day, for example me. In the Internet I can find everything. I use the Internet for different things. I often visit wikipedia, youtube, facebook and plemiona. In the Internet there are a lot of websites which help you in everything. In the Internet there are a lot of webpages with information from every country in the world and you can buy different things. Depsite, the Internet has many pluses, it also has many minuses. In the Internet there are a lot of scammers. In the Internet are sites with video for the adult man, which children can watch. Exertion the Internet you can get hooked on this and you can ruin eyes and spine. So Internet is very helpful if we use that with sense, caution and moderation.
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