proszę o sprawdzenie - krótki tekst

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Proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego tekstu i ewentualne poprawki. Dziękuję. :-)

My grandfather came from a large family. He has four older siblings - two older brothers and two sisters. My grandfather was born in Zakopane in 1930. My whole family comes from mountains.
When my grandpa was a child he dreamed to get a job and earn a good salary like his father and older brothers but parents disagree.
Parents didn't agree they said that their younger son should concentrate on the learning. He had to help his parents and siblings in the housework mainly in the farm.
My grandfather from has always loved to travel.
As a teenager he took his siblings on long trips in the mountain.

Today my grandfather be retired so he has a lot of free time to travel.
One day when my grandpa was an adult he visited one beautiful place where he met his old school friend.
One time he told me about her.
He said that he to got on well with her in school but then lose touch. They have renewed contacts and they got married in 1951.
He got married at twenty-one.
Today my grandfather can do physical exercise and he can travel thanks to the fact that he used to eat healthily and he doesn't smoke. He leads a very active life.
In my free time I usually go hiking with my grandfather.
edytowany przez pytajaca: 23 maj 2012
As a teenager he took his siblings on a long trips in the mountain.

My whole family comes from THE 'mountains' (ja bym napisala ...region).
When my grandpa was a child he dreamed 'to get' OF GETTING a job and earnING a good salary like his father and older brothers but (tu cos brak) parents disagreeD (czas przeszly).
Parents didn't agree BECAUSE they said that their younger son should concentrate on 'the' (niepotr) learning. He had to help his parents and siblings 'in' (zle slowo) the housework mainly 'in' (zle slowo) the farm.
My grandfather from (cos tu brakuje) has always loved to travel.
As a teenager he took his siblings on long trips in the mountainS.
Today my grandfather 'be' IS retired so he has a lot of free time to travel.
He said that he 'to' (niepotr) got on well with her in school but then 'lose' (czas przeszly) touch. They 'have' THEN renewed contacts and they got married in 1951.
Today my grandfather can do physical exerciseS and he can travel thanks to the fact that he used to eat healthily and he doesn't smoke.
Cytat: pytajaca
As a teenager he took his siblings on a long trips in the mountain.

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