Who would you like to be in the future?

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I still don’t know who I want to be in the future. I think that it’s a serious decision and it’s not good to make it too hastily. In my opinion the choice of profession is very difficult. I’m interested in many extremely different things, for example ancient history, football, music and maths. I’m interested in geography, too. I’ve got some ideas now but they can change in any time. Each of them obviously have good and bad sides. For example being a tour guide is curious and allows you travel a lot but it can be tiring and arduous, too. Detective has a work with thrill but it can also be a bit dangerous and troublesome. Another example of it is actor or actress – it’s the funny work and you can become famous however it can be embarrassing and boring because of long rehearsals. I also have no idea what earnings can be expected in each profession. If I have to be honest, there are some professions which certainly would like to make like bed tester, chute tester or game tester. You only have to sleep or play games! I think that would be a great fun and I’m sure the salary is very high. There’s only one problem with these occupations: it’s very difficult to get the job!
I’ve got some ideas now (przecinek) but they can change 'in' (zle slowo) any time. Each of them obviously 'have' (*each have?- popraw) good and bad sides. For example being a tour guide is curious and allows you TO travel a lot but it can be tiring and arduous, too. (przedimek) detective has 'a work with thrill' (napisz to inaczej...jaki work? thrilling work) (przecinek) but it can also be a bit dangerous and troublesome. Another example of 'it' (nie wiem do czego to 'it' sie odnosi?) is BEING (przedimek) actor or (przedimek) actress – it’s 'the' (niepotr) 'funny' (nie, bo nie masz tego slowa na mysli, pomysl co chcialas powiedziec) work and you can become famous (przeciunek) however it can be embarrassing and boring because of long rehearsals.
If I have to be honest, there are some professions which certainly (kto? co? musisz napisac) would like to 'make' (to jest zle slowo) like bed tester, chute tester or game tester.
Bardzo dziękuję :)
Mam jedno pytanie: czemu przed "but" stawiamy w tych przypadkach przecinek?
Chyba dlatego ze z tego zdania mozesz zrobic dwa osobne.


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