Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, bardzo prosiłabym o sprawdzenie! PS jeśli osoba sprawdzająca czytała książkę, to proszę nie zwracać uwagi na głupoty które powypisywałam :)))

The book „samotność w sieci” was published in 2001. It tells story of love in the net. The story takes place mainly in Warsaw. It was written by well known polish writer, Janusz Leon Wiśniewski. I couldn’t put down this book for its fast moving plot and lots of unexpected twists.
I would like to review this book and I hope to encourage you to read.
The story begins when lonely intelligent man, Jakub, during his typical day at work suddenly gets a message from stranger. It turns out to be a woman, Ewa. She is desperately looking for someone to talk to about her problem-she is unsure wether she still loves her husband. It has to be one small conversation but it turns into addiction. They become more and more interested in themselves. They talk for hours, they write hundreds of emails and they fall in love. They meet eye to eye and they spend few romantic days in Paris together, like real lovers. Ewa is still married to another man. Despite of the fact that she feels nothing but true pure love to Jakub, she decides to stay with her husband. Jakub commits suicide.
Although it is a modern love story it has tragic end. In my opinion this book is very worth reading. A real treasure on the book market!
Cytat: infinityyyyy
The book „samotność w sieci” was published in 2001. It tells przedimek story of love in the net. The story takes place mainly in Warsaw. It was written by przedimek well known polish ->duża litera writer, Janusz Leon Wiśniewski. I couldn’t put this book down this book for its fast moving plot and lots of unexpected twists.
I would like to review this book and I hope to encourage you to read ogólnie do czytania, czy do przeczytania TEJ książki?.
The story begins when przedimek lonely intelligent man, Jakub, during his typical day at work suddenly gets a message from przedimek stranger. It - jakikolwiek stranger nie jest it turns out to be a woman, Ewa. She is desperately looking for someone to talk to about her problem-she is unsure wether she still loves her husband (or not) . It has to be one small- raczej short conversation but it turns into addiction. They become more and more interested in themselves. They talk for hours, they write hundreds of emails ogólnie, czy do siebie? and (suddenly, unexpectedly) they fall in love. They meet eye to eye and they spend few romantic days in Paris together, like real lovers. Ewa is still married to another man. Despite of the fact that she feels nothing but true pure love to Jakub, she decides to stay with her husband. Jakub commits suicide.
Although it is a modern love story it has przedimek tragic end. In my opinion, this book is very worth - nie jestem przekonana reading. It is A real treasure on the book market!

It has to be one -> czy tutaj chciałaś napisać: Miała to być tylko jedna, krótka rozmowa? bo w takim razie źle to napisałaś. It supposed to be ...
It tells ... story of love in the net.
/cos nie tak z tym zdaniem/
edytowany przez fui_eu: 15 cze 2012


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