Zdrobnienie w ang

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Mam pytanko, wie ktoś może czy występuje zdrobnienie od słona 'son' w językuz angielskim? Tak aby uzyskać słowo 'synek" np. Prosze o pomoc.
"Son" as a form of address is rarely used in North America.
"Sonny" as a regular greeting between family members: weird, unless it is a nickname, maybe "sonny boy,...."

Most parents refer to their children by name or nickname. "kiddo" and "buddy" are also used a lot for boys.
I overheard a father address his boy as "son" the other day, and it made me stop and look at them (it sounded old-fashioned and formal)
I once could hear a man who all the once addressed a boy as 'boyo', and I think it highly unlikely that it meant the same like 'sonny'. It would be good if Terri took the floor.
"boyo" a different kettle of fish...could have a derogatory/pejorative association
>>I once could hear a man who all the once

This is butt-ugly, really. For lack of a better word , just to avoid a word 'ungrammatical' and not to offend you just in case. Start with 'could'.

You know that I'm not a mean-machine nitpicker and you're certainly not up the sh$t creek with me either, right?:)
'Sonny' to raczej zwracanie sie do mlodziaka przez kogos starszego /in condescending fashion/
Ale jak bez jednego 'n' to byłoby 'sony vaio' naprzyklad, prawda? No tak, to nie pasuje bo to po japonsju juz
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