List oficjalny. pobyt w hotelu

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Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tego listu, jak najszybciej możecie. Z góry dziękuję :)

Dear Sir or Madam
I want to express my dissatisfaction with stay in your hotel. I was there in last month. Before I came there I heard a good opinion from many people. Unfortunately, it was not true.
Firstly, although booked a room, I had to long wait the keys. Secondly, the bathroom was dirty, there was no soap and the towels were out of order. In addition to food was tasteless and I found a hair in the soup. This is unacceptable! Furthermore I was waiting three hours for Room Service will call the doctor when I felt bad.
I'm really disappointed.Therefore I demand a full refund.
I hope that this matter will be dealt with promptly.
Your faithfully,
I want to express my dissatisfaction with (cos brak) stay in your hotel. I was there 'in' (niepotr) last month. Before I came 'there' (niepotr) I heard 'a good opinion' (wg mnoe tutaj l. mn - bo to opinie od wielu ludzi) from many people. Unfortunately, 'it' (nie, tutaj l. mn - bo bylo wiele opinii) 'was' (l. mn) 'not true' (nie, to jest zle..napisz tutaj 'unfounded').
Firstly, although (kto? co? pies, kot?) booked a room, I had to 'long wait' (zla kol slow) (cos brak) the keys. Secondly, the bathroom was dirty, there was no soap and the towels 'were out of order' (nie, out-of-order to znaczy, ze cos jest zepsutego, tutaj ...unavailable for me).
In addition to (czego?) (cos brak) food was tasteless and I found a hair in the soup.
Furthermore I was waiting (cos brak) three hours for Room Service 'will call' (tego nie rozumiem) the doctor when I felt 'bad' (napisz 'unwell').
dziękuję bardzo za poprawkę :)