pocztówka, sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisz pocztówkę z wakacji używając czasu Past Simple.

Dear David,
How are you?
I was in Croatia on holidays with family im August. We stayed in fives star hotel near centre . We were in Croatia three weeks. I had the biggest room. In my room was TV, radio and full of meals. I swam and dived. I visited the castle in Splica. It is incredible. I saw beautiful lakes and I recommend the views. I sunbathed and I see well now. The weather was wonderfull so I enjoyed. I loved the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere. I spent my free time in clubs, museums, parks. I had a great time.

po polsku:
Co u Ciebie?
Ja bylem w chorwacji we wakacje z rodziną w sierpniu .zatrzymaliśmy się w 5 gwiazdkowym hotelu niedaleko centrum. Byliśmy 3 tyg w Chorwacji. Miałem największy pokoj. W moim pokoju był telewizor, radio, pełne wyżywienie. Plywalem i nurkowałem. Odwiedziłem zamek w. . on jest niesamowity. Widziałem piękne jeziora i polecam widoki. Ja opalałem się i teraz wyglądam zdrowo. Pogoda była piekna, więc cieszyłem się. Ja kochałem piękna architekturę w mieście i jego atmosferę. Spędzałem czas wolny w klubach, muzeach i parkach. Spędziłem świetnie czas.
Dear David,
How are you?
I was in Croatia on holidays with CZYJA family im August. We stayed in PRZEDIM five-star hotel near PRZEDIM centre . We were in Croatia PRZYIM three weeks. I had the biggest room. In my room PODMIOT was PRZEDIM TV, radio and full of meals W POKOJU BYL PELEN POSILKOW?. I swam and dived. I visited the ON ZNA TEN ZAMEK? castle in Splica. It is CZAS incredible. I saw beautiful lakes and I recommend the views. I sunbathed and I see well now POMOGLO NA WZROK?. The weather was wonderfull<JEDNO L so I enjoyed WIEC MI SIE PODOBALA. I loved the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere. I spent my free time in clubs, museums, parks. I had a great time.
>Ja kochałem piękna architekturę
hm, uprawiales to w miejscach publicznych?

Dear David,
How are you?
I was in Croatia on holidays with my family im August. We stayed in the five-star hotel near the centre . We were in Croatia the three weeks. I had the biggest room. In my room I was the TV, radio and the big bed . I swam and dived. I visited a castle in Splica. It was incredible. I saw beautiful lakes and I recommend the views. I sunbathed. The weather was wonderful so I enjoyed this travel. I loved the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere. I spent my free time in clubs, museums, parks. I had a great time.

a teraz?
I liked the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere.
Dear David,
How are you?
I was in Croatia on holidays with my family im August. We stayed in the five-star hotel near the centre . We were in Croatia the three weeks. I had the biggest room. In my room I was the TV, radio and the big bed . I swam and dived. I visited a castle in Splica. It was incredible. I saw beautiful lakes and I recommend the views. I sunbathed. The weather was wonderful so I enjoyed this travel. I l liked the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere. I spent my free time in clubs, museums, parks. I had a great time.

teraz ok?
loved może byc, ale nie mowi sie po polsku 'kochalem piekna architekture', jezeli to ma byc opis czynnosci.

hotel - czy odbiorca naprawde wie, o ktory hotel chodzi
PRZYIM przed three weeks, to nie PRZEDIM ('przez trzy tygodnie')
I was = byłem TV. Jak się mowi np. 'na stole jest książka'?
enjoyed my holiday
Dear David,
How are you?
I was in Croatia on holidays with my family im August. We stayed in a five-star hotel near the centre . We were in Croatia for three weeks. I had the biggest room. In my room there were the TV, radio and the big bed . I swam and dived. I visited a castle in Splica. It was incredible. I saw beautiful lakes and I recommend the views. I sunbathed. The weather was wonderful so I enjoyed my holiday. I l liked the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere. (moze byc lubilem?) I spent my free time in clubs, museums, parks. I had a great time.

teraz ok?
edytowany przez croppus: 24 wrz 2012
I admired the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere. (podziwiałem)

teraz juz wszystko dobrze?
edytowany przez croppus: 24 wrz 2012
on holiday

nie wiem, o jakim tv radiu i lozku mowisz.
a TV...

moze byc liked/ loved, admired, czepialem sie tlumaczenia na polski
Dear David,
How are you?
I was in Croatia on holiday with my family im August. We stayed in a five-star hotel near the centre . We were in Croatia for three weeks. I had the biggest room. In my room there were a TV, a radio and a big bed . I swam and dived. I visited a castle in Splica. It was incredible. I saw beautiful lakes and I recommend the views. I sunbathed. The weather was wonderful so I enjoyed my holiday. I l admired the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere. (moze byc lubilem?) I spent my free time in clubs, museums, parks. I had a great time.

teraz dobrze?
in August (literówka)

poza tym ok
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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