Krótka odpowiedź do sprawdzenia pilne,prosze

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam proszę o poprawienie poniższej odpowiedzi:
Is it possible to predict natural disasters reliably and therefore save countless numbers of lives?
I think this could be a real possibility in the near future. Evolving warning system technologies still create new capabilities. I suppose to in a few years time these scientists thank's to new technologies will probably be able to integrate parts of the natural disasters and save countless numbers of lives.
I think THAT this could be a real possibility in the near future. Evolving warning system technologies still CONTINUE TO create new capabilities. I suppose 'to' (tego nie rozumiem) in a few years time these scientists 'thank's' (nie wiem co to ma byc) to new technologies will probably be able to integrate parts of 'the' (niepotr) natural disasters and save countless numbers of lives.


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