List do przyjaciela

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chciałbym, żebyście sprawdzili mi pisownię tego listu, głównie zastanawiałem się nad odmianą spend i send w niektórych momentach.

Hi Mateusz!
How are you? Thanks so much for the gift u sent me for my birthday. It was really great idea to sent me this ball. When i opened the gift i was surprised and happy same time. Since i got the ball i spend my whole free time playing basketball on the Orlik. Other colleagues gave me for example: watches, pens and glasses.

I really enjoyed my birthday. After a dinner I went to a party with my mates. I think it was the best day in me life.

I hope we will meet in next weekend and play basketball together.

Bye for now,
* in my life oczywiście
you; przed really przedimek nieokreslony, 'I', przed same time cos brak, musisz zdefiniowac co to jest orlik. przed dinner no article, the party (konkretna impreza); 'it was the best' - present perfect - chodzi o doswiadczenie. next weekend
ok czyli masz na mysli te zdania:
It was (an) really great idea to sent me this ball.
When i opened the gift i was surprised and happy (at the) same time.
Jezeli chodzi o orlik to juz sie umawialismy z nauczycielem.
After (bez a) dinner I went to (the) party with my mates.
I think it (has been zamiast was) the best day (of/in) my life.
I hope we will meet next weekend and play basketball together.

Jak teraz?
"colleagues" napewno chciales tak ujac?


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie