3 zdania pilne prosze

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam sprawdźcie mi to na jutro rano musze miec proosze pilne
1.Underwater wievs are really breathtaking and the diver have a lot of fun and pleasure when he diving. I think diving is very hard and dangerous work but the diver is enjoying what he is doing and he really love his job.
2,Coral reefs in danger of being destroyed by diving in the coral reef. Divers should be very careful and all people divings in coral reef should be specially trained for tham.
3.Last Sunday I was in forest with my friends. We have mushrooming and we have a lots of fun. I broken only toxic mushrooms.. On the end We lost our way.. That was really funny.
1.Underwater 'wievs' (blad ortog) are really breathtaking and the diver 'have' (diver to he/she - 3os.l.poj) a lot of fun and pleasure when he (brak czasownika) diving. I think THAT diving is very hard and dangerous work (przecinek przed 'but') but the diver is enjoying what he is doing and he really 'love' (ale 'he' to 3os.l.poj) his job.
2,Coral reefs (cos brak) in danger of being destroyed by diving in the coral reef. Divers should be very careful and all people 'divings' (tu czasownik) in coral reef should be specially trained for 'tham' (ortog).
3.Last Sunday I was in (cos tu brak) forest with my friends. We 'have mushrooming' (cos tu nie tak..napisz zbieralismy mushrooms) and we 'have' (zly czzas HAD) 'a' (niepotr) lots of fun. I 'broken' (zly czas) only 'toxic' (nie za trafne slowo) mushrooms.. 'On' AT the end we lost our way..