Would you like to have a summer job?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego tłumaczenia.

Tak, chciałbym, lecz nie w Polsce. Jeśli mógłbym pracować w innym kraju np. w Anglii to chicałbym tam pojechać ponieważ są tam lepsze zarobki niż w Polsce. Aczkolwiek chciałbym tam pracować tylko jeden miesiąc ponieważ drugi chciałbym spędzić z moimi znajomymi.

Would you like to have a summer job? (Why?/Why not?)

Yes, I would, but not in Poland. If I could worked in other country, for example, in England I would like to go there because there are better earnings than in Poland. However, I would go to summer job but only for one month because I would like to spend second month with my friends in Poland.

Would you like to have a summer job? (Why?/Why not?)

Yes, I would, but not in Poland. If I could 'worked' (po could nie moze byc -ed) in other country, for example, in England, I would like to go there, because there are better earnings THERE than in Poland; However, I would go to (cos brak) summer job, but only for one month because I would like to spend the second REMAINING month with my friends in Poland.
..., I would like to go there, because there are better earnings THERE than in Poland;


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