A weeks ago i decided to set off both with a couple of a mates of mine and see piece of the World. To be honest , i've always been keen in touring and had a itchy feet so i did not take much time to make up my mind to go. I'd emailed my younger brother to make sure whether everything's squared away, ( because it is better if you're going into even its finest details that you are feeling more secure and confident in case when something goes wrong ): , if did so - there would be no reason to put our trip off. But we'd a problem - the weather condition were not to improve and there was a risk that it would have been canceled , anyway. i was afraid sitting and doing some sort of so called " forward planning phase" and obviously , i was afraid of all of that to fall through. After hive of preparation and getting ourselves to go we finally set off while rather light - hearted mood. Well, luckily our dreams came true too see some from far -off lands. I couldn't wait to my dreams to come true. i was really in light - hearted kind of mood . Perhaps it might be the only one opportunity to see far - off lands but ,on the other hand such a things happen ! Our " welcome card ' was rather all pleasant and promising knowing the fact it would have to take a week or so to tune in to a new environment . I also noticed that language was much the same as in the UK ,- and it was perhaps little bit more expressive " oh my Goodness, you know " .The first couple of days days were relatively busy and what i found difficult - no decent maps, nor pre prepared informations ...despite the fact , i started to blame myself i hadn't had gathered in bold . Informations given were sketchy and we knew we'd have to get on what we had and at the end of the day anyone was not willing to pass the buck . After a period ,having seen landscapes in bold there's been time to come back . I did my best to ensure that everything's squared away before long way home. Finally , i find it as being really thoughtful at all .