Odpowiedzi na pytania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam zadanie domowe żeby odpowiedzieć na/zadać pytania. Proszę o sprawdzenie.

1. Powiedz znajomym z Yorku, jaki rodzaj literatury lubisz najbardziej/najmniej i kto jest twoim ulubionym autorem książek.
I like reading science-fiction books because I like to imagine how the world will be looking. I don't like reading love story books because it's boring for me and those kinds of books are for women. I have no favourite writer, I have only favourite books.

2. W rozmowie ze swoją koleżanką dowiedz się, jakie filmy najczęściej ogląda i kto jest jej ulubionym reżyserem/aktorem/aktorką.
What kind of films do you like to watch mostly? Who is your favourite director/actor/actress?

3. Wyjaśnij dlaczego, twoim zdaniem, adaptacje filmowe nie są zazwyczaj tak dobre jak utwory literackie, na podstawie których zostały nakręcone.
I think films based on books are worse than books because directors abbreviate many details.

4. Zapytaj znajomego o jego ulubiony rodzaj muzyki i jakich zespołów najczęściej słucha
What kind of music do you like to listen and which band is your favourite?

5. Nie zgódź się z opinią znajomej, która twierdzi, że dzisiejsza młodzież słucha jedynie rapu i techno.
I think teenagers nowadays listen to many kind of music for example, pop and reggae. Don't tare everyone with the same brush.

6. Wyjaśnij przyczyny małej popularności muzyki klasycznej wśród młodych ludzi.
I think that classical music isn't a good choice for teens party because it's too boring, they just want to feel the energy. It's the reason why classical music isn't popular.

7. Zapytaj znajomego, jakie są jego ulubione programy telewizyjne i radiowe.
What are your favourite tv programmers and radio programmes?

8. Wymień kilka negatywnych stron oglądania telewizji.
I think disadvantages of watching TV that people spend a lot of time by sitting on a couch all days. They are getting overweight because they don't move too much.

9. Wyjaśnij dlaczego dobrze jest czytać czasopisma zagraniczne.
We should read newspapers from other countries because we can learn foreign langauges and we can know what's going on in other parts of world.
1. I like reading science-fiction books because I like to imagine how the world will 'be looking' (popraw). I have no favourite writer, I 'have only' (zla kol slow) favourite books.

2. What kind of films do you like 'to watch' (popraw) mostly?

3. I think THAT films based on books are worse than books because directors abbreviate many details.

4. What kind of music do you like to listen (cos brak) and which band is your favourite?

5. I think teenagers nowadays listen to many 'kind' (popraw, 'many' daje znac ze to l. mn) of music for example, pop and reggae. Don't 'tare' (ortog) everyone with the same brush.

6. I think that classical music isn't a good choice for (przedimek) teens party because it's too boring, they just want to feel the energy.

7. What are your favourite tv 'programmers' (ortog) and radio programmes?

8. I think (przedimek) disadvantages of watching TV ARE that people spend a lot of time 'by' (niepotr) sitting on a couch all 'days' (l. poj).

9. We should read 'newspapers from other countries' (mozna 'foreign newspapers') because we can learn foreign langauges and we can GET TO know what's going on in other parts of (a gdzie jest przedimek?) world.
1. I like reading science-fiction books because I like to imagine how the world will look. I have no favourite writer, I only have favourite books.

2. What kind of films do you like watching mostly? - tylko to przychodzi mi do głowy. Aczkolwiek z tego co znalazłem to 'to watch' też powinno być poprawnie. Możesz wytłumaczyć dlaczego to jest błąd?

4. What kind of music do you like to listen to and which band is your favourite?

5. I think teenagers nowadays listen to many kinds of music for example, pop and reggae. Don't tar everyone with the same brush.

6. I think that classical music isn't a good choice for a teens party because it's too boring, they just want to feel the energy.

7. What are your favourite tv programmes and radio programmes?

8. I think the disadvantages of watching TV ARE that people spend a lot of time sitting on a couch all day.

9. We should read foreign newspapers because we can learn foreign langauges and we can GET TO know what's going on in other parts of the world.

Teraz ok?
edytowany przez LubieHerbate: 04 sty 2013


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