prośba o sprawdzenie rozprawki o organizacji imprez sportowych

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki, na temat: Wiele krajów i miast ubiega się o organizowanie ważnych, międzynarodowych imprez sportowych. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony organizacji takich imprez dla danego kraju lub miasta. Z góry przepraszam jeśli będzie dużo błędów.

Nowadays, Tv is really important thing in our live. We are watching films, serials and sport competitions. It helps us to find out some information about recent developments. All countries, especially those which are wealthy (Londyn), want to organize for example the Olimpic Games. They are precious contests and countries what to show that they will be prepared it properly, or not. What are advantages and disadvantages of organizing an International competitions in different countries?
First of all, I want to show you some merits about this problem. To begin with, it is an International sport event and that is why this country will be visited by people from all over the world. So, countries earn a lot of money. Secondly, plenty of television station will be informe about results , weather, people and of course it helps to spread some information about a country. Furthermore, this country will gain a lot of stadiums, good roads, public transport etc.
On the other side, this problem has also a lot of drawbacks. As we can suppose this enterprise is really costly. Those countries should have a lot of money to build stadiums and building where sportsmen and sportswomen will be live. What is more, during a contest, towns probably will be disorganized. So, they must employ some people who will be help tourist to walk in a city. Las but not least argument is that, it is a huge event, so different terrorist organizations can disturb this competition or sometime even kill somebody.
Overall, there is a lot of pluses and minuses of organizing an international sport events. As far as I am concerned, it is a great idea to arrange this type of events. it hepls people to spend some time together, get to know about a country, traditions and language. We should talk a government into organizing it.
Nowadays, Tv is (brak przedimka) really important thing in our 'live' (tutaj potrzebujesz rzeczownik) . We 'are watching' (zly czas) films, serials and sport competitions.
All countries, especially those which are wealthy (Londyn- Londyn to nie jest country), want to organize for example the 'Olimpic' (ortog) Games. They are 'precious' (zle slowo) contests and countries 'what' (zle slowo) (cos brak) to show 'that' (zle slowo) they will be prepared (brak cos) it properly, or not. What are (przedimek) advantages and disadvantages of organizing an International competitions in different countries?
First of all, I want to show you some merits 'about' (zle slowo) this 'problem.' (zle slowo).
Secondly, plenty of television 'station' (ale 'plenty' daje mi znac ze to jest wiecej jak jeden) will be 'informe' (ortog) about (przedimek) results , weather, people and of course it helps to spread some information about a country. Furthermore, this country will gain a lot of stadiums, good roads, public transport 'etc' (w jaki sposob 'country' moze 'gain etc').
On the other 'side' (hand), this 'problem' (zler slowo) 'has also' (zla kol slow) a lot of drawbacks. Those countries should have a lot of money to build stadiums and 'building' (l. mn) where sportsmen and sportswomen will 'be' (niepotr) live. What is more, during 'a' (pomysl) contest, towns probably will be disorganized. So, they must employ some people who will 'be' (dlaczego kladziesz 'be' po will?) help 'tourist' (l. mn) to walk in 'a' (popraw) city. 'Las' (ortog) but not least argument is that, it is a huge event, so different terrorist organizations can disturb this competition or sometime even kill somebody.
Overall, there is a lot of pluses and minuses of organizing 'an' (niepotr, bo masz 'events' l. mn) international sport events. As far as I am concerned, it is a great idea to arrange 'this' (to musi sie zgadzac z events) type of events. it 'hepls' (ortog) people to spend some time together, get to know about a country, traditions and language. We should talk 'a' (popraw) government into organizing it.

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